Chapter Three

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Alice - Now

I stood frozen in complete shock. It had been over six years since I had last spoken to him. I'd seen him at his fathers funeral five years ago but I'd arrived late and stayed at the back so I was out of sight. He didn't even know I was there.
"Alice...I...I had no idea it was you I was meeting with today...I umm, I would have called or something" his usual confidant persona seemed to falter as he spoke.
Liv looked between us in complete confusion whilst I just stood there in complete and utter shock unable to find any words.
"Hi, I'm Olivia, Miss Walkers assistant" I was grateful for her attempt at breaking the awkward tension that was filling the room. I watched as he reached out and shook her hand as he finally pulled his gaze away from me. I took this opportunity to turn and walk to my desk forcing myself to take deep calming breaths in a vain attempt at keeping my composure. Ten more seconds to pull yourself together Alice and then it's time to put your big girl pants on and get on with your job. I told myself as I took one final breath and turned around with a smile on my face.
"So Jackson, what is it we can help you with? Surely you've got plenty of music producers helping you out over in the states?" I asked a little more curtly than I should have. Liv shot me a warning look.
Jackson's icy blue gaze was back on me once again as if he was searching my face for some sort of explanation. He raised his lips into a slight smirk as her brushed his sandy blonde hair off his face. God he looked good. Why couldn't life at least be fair and have made him look just a little bit bad. No such luck.
"I'm confused, I thought I had a meeting with someone called Lilian? That's the name my manager had given me?" He asked completely ignoring my question. My face turned to stone as I battled to keep my composure. How dare he come into my place of work and act as if I was beneath him. Clearly if he had seen my name on the paperwork he would have never wanted to work with me. I felt anger build up in side of me. I was the one who was hurt in this scenario. What right did he have to act like the victim.

"Holy shit, you use your middle name at work don't you?" He answered his own question before I had chance. Liv shot me another questioning look. It was obvious that me and Jackson knew each other well enough to have knowledge of middle names.
"Yes, only on the publishing rights. I don't actually go by Lilian face to face" I answered flatly.
"So you did it, you always wanted a career in music. Although I always thought it would be as an artist, you were always so talented" he smiled at me and I felt myself being drawn into him. I couldn't let this happen again. I wouldn't put myself through that again.
"I had other responsibilities to think about we can't all go jetting across the pond to start a new life" I replied bluntly as I held his gaze. He looked at me with a confused expression, probably wondering why I was being so unprofessional but this was something I couldn't help.
The door to the studio opened and Claire strolled in looking as perfect as she always did. She beamed over at Jackson.
"Ah Jack, I see you've met our up and coming producer here. Alice has been with us for a little over two years and I'm telling you she is the best there is. So talented and full of ideas, I think you'll find she's the perfect fit for your next project" she pulled him in for a quick air kiss as if they were old friends and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Liv nudged me as she smirked beside me at my reaction.
"Yeah, actually me and Alice went to school together so she's a familiar face" he smiled back at her clearly turning on his famous charm for her benefit.
"Really!" She clapped her hands together and looked between us with surprise "Alice you never mentioned you went to school with a pop star" she wagged her finger at me.
"Oh it was a long time ago, we haven't seen each other for years. We barely know each other anymore" I smiled back through gritted teeth.
"Well this will be like a little reunion for you both then won't it" her voice seemed slightly strained as if she was picking up on the clear tension between us.
"Olivia, you come with me. We have some paperwork to go through with Jackson's management. Why don't you two have a catch up and have a little discussion about this exciting new project of yours Jack. Alice will need to know all about your vision for it so the two of you need to get your heads together" Liv shot me an apologetic smile as she followed Claire out of the studio and I found myself left alone with the one person I'd vowed never to let back into my life.

A deadly silence filled the room once again as he sat on the coach opposite my desk.
"Look I can use another producer if you want. This is clearly difficult for you" his words cut through me and I couldn't help but feel defensive.
"Difficult for me? Trust me, of all the things I've been through this right now isn't difficult" I brushed off his comments hoping I sounded confident.
"Sorry, I just thought. You seem angry that's all" he slumped back in the chair and ran his hand through his hair again. God I wish he'd stop doing that.
"You just caught me by surprise that's all. We're both adults, we can be professional about this" I hoped we could at least. If I lost this client Claire would likely fire me. This was the first big shot artist we'd had approach us.
"You look good, a little thin but still the Alice I remember" he smiled at me and I felt my heart pang a little bit.
"The Alice you remember is long gone" I snapped and immediately regretted it "sorry, I just mean to say that a lot has happened since then. A lot has changed, I've changed" I felt tears threaten to prick behind my eyes and I hastily turned to face my desk as I blinked them away.
"Ally..." he whispered as I felt his hand squeeze my shoulder. I hadn't noticed he'd gotten up from the sofa.
"Please don't" I met his gaze again, my eyes now shining with emotion "I just need us to keep this professional please"
He studied my face with a frown of concern before he took a step back from me and nodded.
"Of course"
I stepped away from my desk needing to get some distance between us.
"So let's talk about this project, I want to know exactly what you want it to be" and that was it, professional Alice was back. I'd worked hard to get to where I was and I wasn't about to let that all come crashing down for someone who didn't deserve me.

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