Chapter Twenty

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Jackson - Then

It was late, we'd completely lost track of time at the picnic and I knew I was likely to be in major trouble with my dad but right now I didn't care. Nothing could wipe the smile off my face. I'd had the most amazing night with the girl I loved. I knew birthdays were always a bit of a sore subject for her and I'd wanted to make this one special. I hadn't planned for it to be the first time we slept together but in the moment it was just right. We'd laid in each others arms afterwards and in all honesty I could have stayed there all night. I knew her mum would kill her so eventually we found the energy to get up and I walked her home. It was close to midnight now and I was due back by 11pm. There was a very good chance my dad was waiting up for me ready to read me the riot act. As I approached the house I could see a feint light coming from the kitchen, I opened the door as quietly as I could and hoped I could just sneak in, my room was directly down the hallway past the kitchen.
"Jackson?" My dads voiced boomed and I knew the game was up. "Yeah dad. Sorry I'm late" I rubbed my head as I sheepishly wandered into the kitchen to find him sat at the table.
"You're almost an hour late!" He sounded angry.
"Sorry dad, it's Alice's birthday and we just lost track of time" I pleaded as I placed the picnic hamper on the kitchen side.
"Son I think it's time we had a little talk about you and Alice" oh god no, not the sex talk! Me and my dad had always had a sort of unspoken code, we didn't enquire about each others love lives. Apparently that was about to change.
"Dad really we don't need to have this conversation. It's fine" I pleaded with him.
"No son we need to have this conversation. You know I love Alice. I'm glad the two of you are so happy together. But that being said you're both of a certain age and..." god this was painful to listen to.
"Dad please!" I begged for him to stop
"Jackson as a man there are certain responsibilities you need to have to make sure you are being safe"
"God dad I know! We are being safe...Christ can we just not have this conversation" I ran my hands through my hair feeling completely embarrassed by the whole thing.
"Oh...well good. I mean I wasn't sure if you were even..."
"Well dad tonight was the night. You happy now? And don't worry we were careful so can we please just move on and never talk about this again!" I snapped as I turned on my heel and headed to my room to hide. Why do parents always seem to find a way to embarrass you.

Then and Now: Always yours Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora