Chapter Thirty One

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Alice - Now

Sasha was pregnant. My blood ran cold and I dropped Jackson's hand. He stood frozen beside me as he just stared at Sasha in disbelief. I took a breath and realised I'd been holding it in. How could this be happening.

"You're...." Jackson gasped
"Pregnant yes...about 6 weeks" she replied smugly as her hand moved to her belly.

My eyes watched her and I was instantly taken back to when I told Jackson I was pregnant and how badly that had gone. I knew he'd never make that mistake again. He was going to be there for this baby, and for Sasha.

"But're on the pill? We were always careful?" He stuttered in confusion.

"Nothing is ever 100% Jackie" she replied smugly. She was loving this. She had a legitimate reason to be in his life. "Listen I've got to get back to my hotel and finish packing, I'm on the last flight out tonight. I need to be at home with family and friends right now. I just thought you ought to know before I left" she smiled sweetly at me. That bitch was loving every minute of this.

"You can't just drop a bomb like this and leave Sasha!" Jackson erupted.

"I'm going home Jackson. Maybe it's something you should think about doing if you want to be part of your babies life" she spat back before turned in her heel and walking out the door.

Silence filled the room and we both stood unmoving whilst we processed what had just happened.

"You better go after her" I spoke first without even thinking.

"What? Alice I can't just up and leave you and Sam" he pleaded with me.

"But you already did Jackson. Me and Sam have managed this long without you in our lives. I know you and it will eat you up inside if you don't go and be there for your baby"

"I don't want to leave you. I love you Alice. I want to be here for you and for Sam. I've missed so much time already" he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

"You'll resent us if you stay. Sasha and the baby will need you more. Me and Sam have been fine alone for this long. We will be okay" I sobbed into his chest. I didn't want him to go. I wanted him to stay with us, to choose us. But I knew that wasn't the right thing to do. He missed out on being a dad already, he couldn't do that again.

"I don't love her. I love you Alice. It's always been you"

"I'll always be yours Jackson"

We held each other in a tight embrace and without saying the exact words we both knew that this was goodbye. I'd always be his and he'd always be mine, but maybe we just weren't meant to be.

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