1. The first Glance

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(Yoongi's Pov:)


Though it's midnight this part of city is always crowded with a lots of people at this time. A lot of club, bar and restaurants are on this street. People come here to have some fun, to party. Sometimes maybe to forget the struggles of everyday life.

But Yoongi was never fond of crowds.
But today he has a job, to find the one who is betraying him.

He feels like this black leather suit with white formal shirt and trousers help him to not get noticed and blend in such crowds.

The message on his phone reads

Place: Club 'The black Nebula.'
Time: 12:15 AM.

Yoongi always finds the name so odd. Like Black nebula? But nah! Today he don't have time to think all of this things.

He throws the cigrette in the dustbin outside the entrance & enters the club.

As he enters the loud music makes his ear numb, feeling irritated how nearly feels his eardrums bursting.
He hates it.
After crossing a sea of people he sits near the bar counter and orders a drink for him.
One Neat Whiskey.
He isn't in mood of something fancy today.
Yoongi observes the bartender, pouring whiskey in the glass for him but he feels someone's eyes are lingering on him.

He takes his drink in his hands and turns around, eyes roaming over the crowd in the room.
His gaze falls on a certain gentleman sitting in the opposite corner wearing some sparkly blue denim jacket.
And he feels struck as he can't look away.

His eyes.

The man is looking at him with such a intense gaze that Yoongi couldn't look away how much he try.
It's like a Siren.

The blue light falling on the man is making him look surreal, maybe a siren pulling Yoongi into his trance.
Those eyes are so intoxicating, it felt like there is no one else except the two.
Yoongi felt like without doing anything that man was pulling him towards himself & he couldn't do a thing.
He is just frozen & gradually getting hypnotised.

But before he could read the language of such intense gaze. His phone vibrates. The message reads :

The package is already received by customer. We need you at the warehouse for preparing for Plan-B.

He sighs. He chugs the rest of his drink and heads towards exit.
For a moment he feels the urge to look at the man again, he looks over the corner and one quick glance over the crowd of the people.

The man is nowhere to be seen

His eyes searches for him in there but fails.

For a moment he felt like the guy was his imagination or maybe hallucination of his sleep deprived mind.

His phone vibrates again.
He sighs to himself & exit the club.

When Yoongi reaches the warehouse he see two black SUVs are already parked outside.

"So they already reached". He mumbles.

As he enters a voice cuts through the silence,
"Yoongi where were you? You know it's urgent right!"
The voice seems pissed off.

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