29. Doubts & Suspicion.

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Yoongi was working as he heard a knock on the door. He tilts down his laptop before responding.

"Yeah come in."

"You wanna go out or I just get some take out for dinner while coming back." Jimin asks peeking through the door.

"You are going somewhere???"

"Yes. I have to pick up my suits I ordered last month. They called."

"Ohh... Then wait for a minute. I am coming."

It's not like Yoongi really wants go. But the way the man slips around any moment it's better if he spends some time with him or his trip will be just a failure.

They reach a custom tailoring shop that looks pretty luxurious & expensive.
As soon as they enters a staff accompanies them. He takes them to the VIP section of the shop and leaves for a moment to get the suits.

"The place is nice." Yoongi suggests as he moves around.
They seem to have finest materials and from the ready made pieces it can be easily guessed that they have some best tailors too. The fits are so perfect.

"You like it here???" Jimin asks curiously.
"Yeah it seems really nice."
"Then why don't you try something for yourself??" He asks as a smile started to appear on the face.

"Umm, but it will definitely take some time. We will leave soon."

"Ohh, don't worry about it, infact just don't think about that. Just look around and get what you want. I will talk to them. They do works on special requests." He says with enthusiasm.

The staffs enters the room with Jimin's orders. Some custom made suits with some white shirts, also some casual white shirt with blue stripes and some trousers.

"Please show him your collection too. Specially the VIP ones."
The staff gladly shows Yoongi their finest collection. Not to mention they really works with finest materials.

Jimin tries his clothes while Yoongi is looking around.
He gets out after wearing the trousers and the suit with white shirt.


It reminds him the day at Bangkok. Kinn's party.

Jimin asks,"How it looks??"

"Umm decent." That's what Yoongi gathers to say.
Like he can't say like he is looking deadly gorgeous. That's not Yoongi's cup of tea.

Jimin smirks as Yoongi avoids his gaze.

Jimin is done with the trials and there is some corrections need to be made.
Yoongi is hesitating to purchase for himself as he really doesn't want to bother people just for him.

Another man comes in that moment and greets Jimin. They greets each other in local language. The man speaks english mixed with italian.

As Jimin says something, the man takes them to show another collection.
Ohh god the materials are finer here. He really likes the linen & cottons here.
He decides to get two shirt & a suit.
The staff takes his measurement. The man shows him possible designs for the shirt & suit.
Yoongi is a bit confused. He generally follows simple designs. As he is thinking, Jimin points at one.
"I think this will suit you."

It's a suit Design kind of assymetric. Where the front cut is cropped & the back is like a suit length.

"I never tried something like this." He hesitates.

"Then try once."  He suggests excitedly.
The staff takes a peak and also agrees that it will look good according to his height & physical features.

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