39. Hurt

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Yoongi stands outside his cabin.
Oh he didn't know Hoseok also came with Alessia.
But his heart feels like jumping.The doctors come out his cabin.
The doctor confirms that he is out of danger now. But he needs to be careful about the wound. It's still kind of a threat. So he needs to rest well and also not to do anything that makes the wound worse.

Ohh finally it's a relief.
A relief to his guilt.
Hoseok and Alessia talks with the doctors while Yoongi goes inside the cabin. Jungkook is standing at furthest corner of the room. As soon as Yoongi enters, he leaves without saying any word to Jimin.

Jimin's eyes follows Jungkook's movements as Jungkook leaves without a word.
He sighs.

Yoongi sits on the chair beside his bed.
"You okay now??" He asks

"Yeah!!" Though he frowns a bit.

"You gave all of us a panic attack."

"I am sorry!"
He speaks but it feels like he is still in pain.

"Take rest."
Yoongi was going to leave but Jimin asks,
"Stay for a moment. I am not going to sleep now." He tugs Yoongi by his wrists gently and let go the moment Yoongi's eyes fall on it.

Yoongi nods & sits on the chair beside his bed.
For a moment they just looks at each other.
Jimin could see the scar over his eyes is fresh again.
His heart sinks. From the wound it's pretty evident he made it sometime in between.
He just wanna hold his face and just comfort him.
But he can't......
He just sighs and reverts his gaze towards the window.
"You okay??" Jimin asks with a low voice trying to hide his emotions.
"Yeah. I am fine. You should worry about Yourself now."
"And Jungkook??"
"He is okay too."
He looks at the door. It seems like Jungkook is just standing outside, peeking through the see through window on the door. As soon as Jimin looks at him he moves away.

Yoongi actually wants to ask a thousand things to Jimin. But he is restraining himself.
Maybe later.
Let him heal atleast.

Both of them just stays silent. They were close yesterday but a lot of things happened in between. Jimin just looks at him. His eyes wanderings over his wound over his eyes. Yoongi could easily see that. It gets him conscious about it.
"Is that hurt much??" Jimin asks like whisper.
"This???" Yoongi points to his wound.
"Are you kidding me??
You are laying here with a deep knife stab in your back and a grazing bullet wound on your arm. Think about yourself now."
"I am okay."
"Don't fucking lie to me everytime....." Yoongi says pretty darkly,highly enraged about something.
Jimin flinches at his reaction.

Yoongi tries to calm himself down.
He closes his eyes & takes a deep breath.
At that moment Hoseok and Alessia enters the cabin. Yoongi leaves to let them have some talk with Jimin. As he gets out he sees Jungkook standing in the corridor.

"Is hyung okay??"

"Yeah he is!!!"

"He is able to speak now???? How is his pain??? Is it too much???"

"It's still painful but he is okay."
Yoongi sighs.
"Why you didn't go to meet him???"

"I won't meet him."

"But he is injured now. Don't you think it will hurt that old man a bit????"

"Let him hurt. He jumped into this shit himself. I am not going to save his ass this time.
Let him hurt."

"But still I think you should meet him once."

After some time Hoseok gets out but Alessia is still inside.

Jimin's POV:

"Jimin you shouldn't be this desparate to save them." Alessia speaks.

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