69. Scars that come back

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Jae Jun is sitting inside the room in the prosecutor's office.

Fuck Jimin.
If there is hell, Jae Jun will make sure Jimin goes there.

After Jimin went out of the meeting room, it took some time for Jae Jun to cool off. He couldn't even register what the other people in the room was saying.
And the next moment he got a call.

A panicked voice said,
"Sir, someone attacked our convoy and took everything."


Jae Jun's heart nearly stopped beating at the words. He quickly called Jang Geun Soo, his most trusted one, his closest friend and right hand in business. He generally covers the overseas business but he is in city after his mother's death. He asked him to look into the matter. He knows the urgency of it.
It's a drug deal. The fails, they are fucked then.

Jae Jun got out of the office and straight headed to his house. As he reached, he saw Geun Soo waiting for him.

"So???" Jae Jun expectantly asked.

"No trace." Geun Soo replied defeated.

"What??????" Jae Jun is utterly shocked.
"What the fuck you mean by no trace."

"It's no fucking trace Jae Jun. No CCTV footages that shows them or their cars. They chose a blind spot on the road.
Well fucking planned." Geun Soo replied in disbelief and threw his phone on the couch.

"But our containers are traceable." Jae Jun asked.

"Someone fucking removed it and it's showing in the middle of sea." Geun Soo replied utterly frustrated.
"Jae Jun you should have said me that Jimin worked with the Cassano's."

"Why the fuck it's that important and also I got to know that recently." Jae Jun spared him a glance.
Angry one.

"Recently??? You are what??? A fool!! Or you were two busy fucking your chicks that you couldn't even concentrate your business." Geun Soo's words bit him this time.

Jae Jun holded Geun Soo by his collars & pushed him against the wall hard. He groaned in pain.

How dare he?

"Don't fucking forget who's the boss here. You are my friend and that doesn't mean you can cross lines. Next time you will be lying dead. Keep that in mind."

"And if you don't pay attention to your fucking brother, you will be also lying dead."
Jae Jun lets him down taking a deep breath.
Geun Soo is not wrong.
This pair is sure the drug containers are hidden by Jimin.

"You traced his dog??? What's his name I tend to forgot?" Jae Jun asked, a amusement running in his voice.

"Jungkook. Yeah I traced him. But he was all day at his apartment & didnt get out."

"& Where is my brother??"

"At the same apartment. We are keeping an eye on them. Any movement and we will know."

"You know Geun Soo, Jimin happens to be dating this guy, who also works with Black Diamonds. Maybe they did it???" Jae Jun asked Geun Soo this time.

"I thought about it too. They are working closely. But the thing is...!" His voice trailed off.
"When I got a hold on them, they are at their respective places in Seoul. And no trace of the container anywhere."

Jae Jun punched the table beside him.
"Then what you want to say. The created a cave, hid it inside the cave and locked it???"

"For now, it seems like that." Geun Soo replied avoiding Jae Jun's gaze.

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