72. Promises to Keep

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(Long Chapter ahead......)

Yoongi handed over the drug containers to Cahya and he left with them. He doesn't want to deal in drugs so he wanted them to be gone sooner.
Geun Soo and his people were met with accident that day. As Black diamonds already knew Jimin's location they followed the cars and took over them.

After two days, Jimin & Yoongi went to meet Geun Soo who was heavily injured.
As they entered his cabin Geun Soo flinched.

"Don't worry we are not here to hurt you." Jimin spoke formally and Geun Soo's eyebrows furrowed.

"See....this is us who is taking care of your treatment. Jae Jun is dead." Yoongi responded. Horror and fear came prominent in eyes.

But without wasting time Jimin spoke,
"See I don't have any intention to kill you. You have a wife and a son in Hong Kong. They need you. You did your job to Jae Jun and he is dead now. Go to your family and live a life." Jimin handed him over his passport and a one way ticket to Hong Kong.
"Never look back on this life."

Geun Soo is confused and conflicted.
Is it right to accept this?? But they are the one who killed his friend and boss Jae Jun. Isn't his responsibility to take revenge??
But Jae Jun is no more and he never cared for him, always used him for his job.
Geun Soo was thinking all these when Yoongi spoke,
"If we can kill Jae Jun, we can kill you too. So don't decide to do something foolish. Think carefully. I think it's the best someone who is your enemy can offer." And they left.

Geun Soo left for Hong Kong that day evening.

Police is ruled out it's some Drug cartel feud as Jae Jun tampered with the qualities of the drugs.
They are still keeping a low profile to not catch the attention in the investigation.

But today Yoongi has a promise to fulfill.
To meet his father.
After ages.

Initially he thought if he should wait for his mother to come back but he wants to go there on his own once, to talk to his father by himself.

He didn't say anything to anyone but to his surprise Jimin has shown up on the morning at his apartment, dressed in black especially what you wear when you visit a cemetery.

Yoongi was dressed by then in a similar attire. He doesn't need to tell Jimin anymore where he is going.
"How do you know???" Yoongi asked lowly as Jimin walked into his apartment.

"I figured out when you said you have some personal things to do today." Jimin shrugged.
Yoongi nodded, still kinda blown away by the fact that Jimin got it exactly correct as if he was stalking him.
"I didn't stalk him you idiot." Jimin kinda yelled.

Yoongi furrowed.
Now the siren can read minds???

Jimin argued that it will be him driving and Yoongi should relax. Mostly on his way Yoongi was lost in his own thoughts. Jimin glanced at him but didn't say anything.
On the way, Yoongi picked up some white carnations from a flower shop.
They used to be his father's favourite.

At the cemetery,
Jimin stood at a enough distance, a place from where he can neither hear what Yoongi is speaking or see his face.
It's a way to give him the space he needed.

Yoongi glanced at him and Jimin nodded.

As Yoongi faces his father's grave a pain comes alive.
He sits on his knees and places the flowers over the grave gently.

"Hi Dad, it's been long time we met. Isn't????
I know you missed me a lot. Mom said me everytime, that you miss me. I missed you too dad. A lot.
Dad have you seen how much I have grown up??? Much more than last time you have seen me. Isn't??? I wonder what you would say looking at me now. Also you know, your son has become pretty good in doing business. Maybe I got some skills from mom too. Mom says sometimes I am kinda like her.
What do you think????" Yoongi asked.

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