23. Angel of Death(1)

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Jimin parks the car exactly at the front of the house.

"This is yourrr house???!!!!" Yoongi exclaims, his eyes went wide.

" Yeah. It's mine. For now you are staying here." He says nonchalantly.

Jimin gets out of the car. Yoongi follows.
Jimin takes out his luggage.
Someone shouts from nearby.

"Yoongiii !!"

It's Jungkook.

"Yeah he lives here too." Jimin replies with a sigh, a defeated one.

Jungkook gives him a side eye.
"It's my house too.
Welcome Yoongi."
He says with his bunny smile.
But he looks a lot different from when they met first time at Vietnam.
He has a eyebrow piercing now with a lip ring.
As he is wearing a half sleeve tshirt the full sleeve tattoos can be seen clearly.
He didn't see it before he mostly wore full sleeve sweatshirts.
But his bunny smile is the same.
Jungkook accompanies Yoongi to the inside.

It's pretty grand.
The living has a this six seater sofa set along with 4 of the single seaters.
A large coffee table in the middle.
Just at the corner of the living, a bar counter in peeking which looks pretty vintage.
There is an open kitchen on the other side with a big dinning table.

Yoongi was looking at it with some awe.

Jimin taunts, " why?? You didn't think I have a big house??? Or what?? You didn't think I am poor right????"

Yoongi frowns.
Jungkook whispers, " Old man I said."
He speaks in such a way that it makes Yoongi smile.

Jimin looks at them with a side eye.
" We don't have much time for gossips. Jungkook tell him the rules."

Jimin puts down his luggage on the floor.
Jungkook shakes his head.
"Yeah sure."

They sit in the living room sofa set.

"For now you have to switch off your existing cellphone. Leave some texts for the people who will be worried. Tomorrow morning I will give you a new cellphone with all the numbers you need here. Also if you want to contact people in Seoul just inform me before doing that."

Yoongi seems to be confused.

Jimin speaks but not looking towards him,
" It's for safety. They can try to trace your old cellphone which will create problems for you. Also the cellphone here would be of private number & hard to trace. To be more cautious before calling to Seoul like your family or friends inform Jungkook so that the call becomes untraceable."

"Okay." Yoongi replies

"Let me show you your room."
Jimin gets up.
Yoongi follows him behind. He takes him to the first floor.
It has some room on both side of the corridor. At the end of the corridor it seems like a balcony.
Yoongi will check that out later.

Jimin opens the room on their left side.
"For now this is your room. I just got it cleaned up cause it isn't in use. If you get any problem just inform me or Jungkook.
For now get a little freshen up & be ready. We are leaving for the party in 1 hour."

"Which party?"

"The one you got an invitation for."

"That was some shady person invited me for some local get together."

"It isn't a local get together at all. I will explain you on the way.
For now just get yourself prepared.
Not too much formal is needed. Like something casual is okay."

" Okay."

Jimin closes the door of the room and leaves.
Now that he looks the room is beautiful. The set up is nice & somehow is also comforting.
Yoongi can't really say what is the particular reason behind it. Maybe the lighting, maybe just the vibe.

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