56. Cinnamon Boy

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( A/ N : Chapter name is inspired from 'Cinnamon girl' by Lana Del Rey.... Also it's for them for 2nd part of the chapter...

"I think it's better for you two...
to speak..

Yoongi casually says as he stands inside the pool Which is now getting filled with water, a bit slowly.
The two men who went to Jimin's house is now tied to some chains at the bottom of a pool.
Yoongi's people have beaten them enough. Their faces are bruished now, the younger seems to be more pain than the older.

After Yoongi reached he didn't say a single word to them, just looked at them in silence.
His midnight eyes is nearly burning with a emotion that these two can't interpret, his voice deep, that sends them shivers.

"We don't betray our bosses." The older man snarls.
Yoongi laughs at it.
He crouches down, to become eye level with that man.
"Oh really???" Yoongi asks.

& Then the older notices the man beside him grunts in pain & his eyes fall in his thighs.
The man with the scar has thrusted the knife there & now twisting it.
The young man screams in pain.

The old man's eyes has went wide at his actions, he looks back at Yoongi with confusion. He didn't expect this man to be like this.

"You know, before laying fingers on people you should know who they are??!" Yoongi says with his lips curling at one corner.

"He is Lee Yang Cheol's son. His brother has sent us. But who are you????"

Yoongi chuckles.
"Min Yoongi.... "

"You???? Min Young Jae's son????" He asks with confusion.

"Yeah you seem to have a good memory."

"But Jimin is your enemy's son. His father killed your father. I was there when......"

"When???? Your boss killed my father???? Isn't???"
Yoongi didn't forget his face. Actually he didn't forget anyone's face that day. Each of them has haunted his dreams.
His father's lifeless face.

Now as he takes out the knife from the younger. The man screams in pain, nearly fainting.

The older couldn't move his eyes away from Yoongi's own. He is shocked & confused. He isn't quite understanding what's happening here.

"Same way??? Isn't ??? You attacked my father??"
And the man feels the knife pushed into his own sides now.
But Yoongi's eyes unmoving, the older nearly didn't register that he has shoved the knife in him. He yelps in pain.

Yoongi's eyes seems like turning more midnight black, a coldness dancing in it.
As the water continues to fill the pool, the blood gets mixed with water and it turns red.

"Then why are you helping him??" The man manages to ask.
He doesn't understands why him out of everyone is helping Yang Cheol's son.

"None of your business....."

He takes out his knife from him, leaving the man bleeding.
He comes out of the pool and standing on the corner wiping the blood away from his hands.
Yoongi hates when blood touches his hands.
He wipes harshly. His dad's words plays in his mind

"Now you decide what you guys want to do." He asks coldly looking at the two.
The water is now filling so fast every minute that it has nearly reached upto the chest of the two people.

The younger shouts,
"I will speak.
I will....."

This makes Yoongi chuckle a bit.


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