71. Vengeance

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(Trigger warning: mention of blood, drug abuse.)

Four days back,
Jimin appeared at Yoongi's apartment way past midnight. It's not like Yoongi was asleep, he just made himself some coffee. But he is sure there's something important for this man to come like this.

From his facial expressions Yoongi could see, he looked paler.

"Come in." Yoongi chimed with a forced smile trying to be normal.
Jimin went inside and sat on the couch.
Yoongi went to the kitchen to grab his coffee mug.
"You want some coffee?" He asked Jimin.
Jimin shook his head in response.
He is sitting in the couch, his arms resting on his knees and fingers tangled together.

"So a drink???" Yoongi asked again, this time to test the waters.
But Jimin shook his head again, looking away from Yoongi.

"What's the matter???" Yoongi asked with a serious tone.
Jimin looked at him. His eyes are a bit shaky as he took a sharp breath, gently tapping his foot on the floor. He spoke with a low voice keeping his eyes on the ground.


"Remember you asked me to allow you to help me...." The voice turned lower by the end as if hesitating to speak the rest.

"Yeah obviously. I am always ready to..." Yoongi walks up to the couch as he speaks.

Jimin cuts through,
"Yoongi...." He breathed out.
"Save me this time." He looked up to Yoongi as he spoke the last four words. He took a shaky breathe again as he spoke,
"This time just save me. I am asking this time."

"Jimin what....." Yoongi asked confused & shocked looking straight at Jimin, eyebrows furrowed.

"Wait, let me speak today."
Jimin breathes out heavily as he got out from the couch but not still facing Yoongi.
Yoongi eyes are trained on him, observing each of his movements.

He takes a walk around the room as he speaks,
"It was never easy for me Yoongi, to risk someone to keep myself safe. I felt my mother & sister's whole life is fucked up because of me, only me. The risks, the torture and the death. They didn't have the life they deserved cause of me.
Jungkook too."
Yoongi felt Jimin is tearing up inside. But today Yoongi feels tearing up too. The words Jimin is speaking is kinda barring his own deep wounds. He kinda froze at his place. The deep fear he is feeling for some days is making it worse.
It felt like Jimin is speaking out what Yoongi couldn't. Yoongi felt the same, that his family was constantly under threat because of him. That they are not able to have normal life and not able to move on because of his stubbornness.

Jimin continues,
"If I didn't choose this revenge, probably Jungkook could have a life. A normal life.
He did not even have a life Yoongi. Never.....
His childhood fucked up cause of those relatives of his. Teenage years fucked up cause of me. Now his youth he is hacking and killing people cause of me.
That's what I am able to offer him although he is my only family. The guilt is too much Yoongi."

Jimin kept his face away in the direction of the walls. But his droopy shoulders gave the hint that he is broken inside.
Yeah, Yoongi felt the same.
Exactly the same.
Yeonjun should have lived a normal life. But he couldn't give him that.

"Jimin...." Yoongi called like a whisper.

"No let me... Let me...." Jimin requested.

"Okay." Yoongi sighed deep. Atleast let the one speak out, cause in the end it's helping Yoongi too to tap his wounds again.

"I run away cause I am so guilty of everything. Every fucking thing...
But this time...I am giving you Yoongi, choosing you.
Save me."
Jimin turned to look at Yoongi. Yoongi could see the eyes are a bit teary.

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