42. let it begin

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Yoongi reaches Seoul.

Next some days was pretty hectic. Seokjin really didn't tell him he had also a lot of things to do as the part of his family business too.
Also he didn't loose 50 million wons to Red Spades.
He lost just 5 million. It's one day when they were shifting money to the casino Red Spades came to kind of give a threat to them. Fortunately Namjoon was there.

So just 5 Million is what they got as when they were too much into the fight one of Red Spades member took that amount from the car.
Though it's not a good thing.
It means Red Spades can do this again.

But Seokjin kinda trapped Yoongi into those to get him back.

Yoongi hates him.

He have to overwork now. He is hardly getting any time off. As he came back Seokjin is taking rest.

As he said he also deserves some time off. He managed when Yoongi wasn't there.
It's not like he is completely taking a break but he is just doing more things as the director of Hyowon.
Hyowon is busy too.
A lot of projects and a lot of work. It's hard for Taehyung to do everything on his own. And Seokjin is pretty good in business.
Taehyung doesn't need to worry.

It's just Seokjin suppresses his agressive side for the sake of the family but if you get that out, it's over.
Yoongi hardly is getting time to meet his mom. He said he will soon. Also he needs to take care of some things before meeting his mom.
That's a reason too.

But he discussed everything with Namjoon & Seokjin.
Like who Jimin is.
Things that Alessia said.
About Jae Jun, Song Hye Ahn, His father & Lee Yang Cheol.
What Lee Yang Cheol really wanted to do.
Who Park Hye Soo is.
Atleast what he gathered till now.

Seokjin & Namjoon literally got shock at every one of the information.
Namjoon suspects that Yoongi's mother know more stuffs & maybe now it's the time they should get to know about those too.
But before that Yoongi wants to do something.
A reply to Jae Jun.

Seokjin really got enraged hearing what he did to Jimin's family.
He doubted him all along but now he have empathy for the boy. He suffered a lot.
Also it doesn't make any sense that Jae Jun is enjoying everything which was actually Jimin's.

Seokjin wanted to go full force on revenge this time. But Yoongi just wanted to flick the fire.
The revenge should not be so easy on him.

For past years they have tracked down Jae Jun's every activity. They have waited for the perfect time to pull the trigger.

Jae Jun visits a golf course every Saturday night.
Jae Jun generally goes there alone. You know those secret things.
He is kinda overconfident. No one will dare to touch him. So he goes by himself, drives the car himself. He doesn't want his current girlfriend to know about his adventures. Cause his girlfriend is nothing but a way to expand his business.

And for Jae Jun nothing can ever touch him.
Cause he owns everything.

But maybe not anymore.

A week passed.
It's Saturday again.

Jae Jun gets out of his office & gets in the car for the golf course.

As he was waiting at the signal to turn it green a car stands beside him.
A steel colour car with black windows.
He can't see who is inside.

As soon the signal turns green,
The car beside takes the lead.
Jae Jun is pretty competitive he doesn't like people overtaking him.
He speeds up. The car infront of him speeds up too. As Jae Jun tries to change lanes to take over. The car infront swiftly changes lanes too.
Jae Jun curses out in his car. He blows the horn giving warning to the car in front to move and but it doesn't.
He is also frustrated that the car is going to same direction as him.

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