9. Inches between Us

130 16 6

(Author's suggestion: Keep Handy "Shameless" by Camila Cabello in your Spotify/Amazon music playlist, you will NEED that in this chapter for BETTER EXPERIENCE.)

"Expansion of Hyowon??!!!!!?" Yoongi exclaims, & Seokjin nods his head.

Every time they are getting surprised by the moves the man is making. He wasn't joking when he said the file has a blue print. The file really has a blueprint, places they can potentially expand, buildings or lands they need to acquire for that expansion in cities like Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Hanoi & Shanghai, mostly East Asian countries, where it would be much easier to expand but also it will become a threat to Jae Jun cause he is also targetting this countries for potential business expansion & at some places he has already began to spread his business, both legal & illegal ones.
The plan is so on point, even gives a phase-wise description how they can take this expansion first in Art galleries, then departmental & luxury stores. Next is hotel, club & restaurants.

Like what he said he wants the 'Reality of Hyowon expansion.'

But what now bothers them is how this guy has such crucial informations & giving it to them as if it's nothing to him.
Namjoon, Seokjin & Yoongi is seated inside Yoongi's cabin. The trio is silent after going through the blue print.

Seokjin knows if he just utter the word 'expansion', Taehyung will jump into this project. He is insisting on expansion for quite some time but Seokjin didn't agreed.
For him, his brother & his family is much more important than the business & Lee Corporation is the ONE who made him think this way.
That time, Seokjin's father took Taehyung to his golf practise. Jae Jun send some of his goons who beat his father so bad that he became unconscious & also gave Taehyung some substance. Then they put them in a car and left them in a middle of a highway at a turning.
That lady saved them from there. But there is more to it which no one knows except Seokjin, Yoongi & Namjoon. That year their mother passed away in heart attack. It seem normal right?
No it wasn't. It was Song Hye Ahn who came to visit his mother that morning, few hours ago his mother died. Later the doctor said that someone had injected a substance that caused her the heart attack as she was taking medication for her hypertension and heart issues. Seokjin thought it would be better if his father doesn't get to know that cause it will cause him more pain & worry about the family.
That time due to the substance they injected Taehyung to make unconscious they had to keep him in the hospital for 4 days.

These are the things why Seokjin doesn't want Hyowon to go head on head with Lee Corporation but he is determined for revenge.
But does it really keeping them safe?
Cause after things happened in Hong Kong Seokjin is sure that Jae Jun has no boundary, even if Hyowon doesn't meddle with his business but if Black Diamond become a threat to him Jae Jun will not stop himself from doing harm to them

Taehyung is not like Seokjin at all, he wants that Hyowon should keep growing even if that need sacrifices of the Kim family.
The two brothers have so many arguments over this topic but with the benefit of being the eldest Seokjin won.
But those arguments never made their bond bitter. Taehyung understands why his brother behave in this certain way.

But it doesn't make any sense to them. How Jimin gathered so much of information about the Kim's business & even prepared a blue print.
Probably now they can really think about Expansion.

Seokjin called in for a board meeting at Hyowon with all the directors and executives.
As he thought the directors & executives also agreed with expansion. They think Hyowon is in need of an expansion now to make it bigger and also to survive in the competition.
As he gets out from the meeting Taehyung calls him from the behind, "Hyung!!?"

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