22. Palermo

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Yoongi reaches Palermo. It's 3pm in local time.
It was a long flight & unfortunately he couldn't have a nice sleep during the flight.
Most of the people were chaotic or overexcited for the trip they are going to.
He took a cab & reached the hotel.
The hotel is pretty grand.
As he checks in to his room, it's so beautiful.

It's their suit room. It has a modern vibe with a hint of old culture of the city.
But for now Yoongi just needs the bed.
The jetlag is hitting so much.
He just lays down.
"15 minutes just 15 minutes." He mumbles to himself & closes his eyes just for 15 minutes.

No it wasn't 15 minutes at all. When he opened his eyes it's 6:30 already.
He slept for some hours.
He sits straight on the bed rubbing his eyes as he yawned.
He is feeling a bit hungry too. He decides to take a walk around to have some fresh air & also to grab some dinner.
He gets a little freshen up.
He decides to wear his normal sweatpants & his black cotton loose fit shirt.

The street had some nice luxury stores. Yoongi is not properly in mood for shopping but there was some black leather jacket in display at a store. It's just perfect for his taste. The staffs were nice. They showed him some of their other collections too.
He decides to buy some white tshirts & a deep blue denim jacket.

After purchasing he walks out of the store, it's really feeling like he is on a trip. He quite doesn't remember when he last took a vacation trip just by himself.

Yoongi feels hungry now, so he decides to have something. He goes for a restaurant just on the street.

He orders pasta. He is in Sicily. Pasta alla Norma is something he should try.
He kept his shopping bags on the chair just beside him.
It's kind of a cafe type of set up more than a restaurant.
It's not crowdy. The staffs are warm & welcoming too. They offer alcohols also. But Yoongi is not in mood for alcohols today. He settles for just some mocktails.
The waiter also suggests some of their signature dishes. Yoongi decides to try some of them.
After the waiter leaves Yoongi seats there in peace.
He takes out his phone, scrolling and checking through the stuffs.
Suddenly a man walks towards the table. He looks like a local. He takes a seat across Yoongi without taking any permission from him.
Yoongi gets a little surprised.

The man speaks,
"Umm so for a trip here??" Pointing at the bags with his eyes.
Yoongi nods.
He speaks English with a accent so it's a bit hard for Yoongi to understand.

"I see. I live here. Hope you like our city."

Yoongi gives him a smile. Yoongi doesn't like people invading his space. But probably the man is just trying to make him comfortable in this new place. So he doesn't mind. But he doesn't appreciate it at all.

He continues to speak,
"I own some businesses here. So if you are free tomorrow you can come to this party. I think you will enjoy this one. Local food & local alcohol."
He hands over a invitation to Yoongi.

Yoongi takes it after hesitating for a second inside. He doesn't want to cause a scene so he just takes the card.

"I hope you will come. You will have a great time.
If possible please try to attend."
Yoongi nods again with a formal smile.

The man leaves.
He puts the invitation inside his bag.
After some time, the waiter comes to serve the food.

He asks the waiter about the man.
Yoongi notices the man hesitates a bit.
"Ummmm, a regular I can say."

"He said he owns some businesses & invited me at some party."

" Ohh... Yeah he owns a lot of businesses."
The waiter kind of avoids the rest of the question.
Yoongi takes up the hint. He doesn't ask anything more.
Let's eat for now.

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