CHAPTER 226: High and mighty

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All was quiet except for the faint sound of music from the very first floor.

Staring with wide eyes in shock, everyone inside the highest floor of Black Dragon's bar was at a loss for words.

None could believe what they were hearing. It was as if after Park Jimin spoke, all they could hear was a buzzing beep sound.

The only person in the room who was not shocked was none other than Kim Taehyung. Standing behind the chair his boss sat, he grinned like a foolish little girl. Only god knows what was going through his mind right now.

Seeing the assistant's expression, Jackson Wang stare at the two people in the center of the room then to Kim Taehyung. Leaning to the side, he whispers.

"Kim Taehyung, what does Park Jimin mean by wife?"

Kim Taehyung glance at the notorious White Tiger leader and he giggled more without making a sound. Like an old grandma, he points to the couple and whispers back.

"That's my lady boss."


Jackson Wang was dumbfounded. His eyes blink uncontrollably at the man acting like a childish grandma. Turning his head slowly back to the couple, he frown in thoughts.

On the other side, Dong Woon is just as shocked as everyone else. His body slowly slump onto his chair almost missing it. Wife?

The famous Roseanne in the underworld is actually the wife of Korea's business King....


Julia calls out as she sees her boss's shocked state. She looks back up in the direction of Rosè Han and she bit her bottom lip. Park Jimin is a man of great power and he has never been in a scandal before, yet, he just called this woman his wife. How can this be?

Dong Woon lift a hand to stop the woman. He takes a deep breath and wave his hand to his men.

"Everyone leave. I need to speak alone with our guests."

Hearing the order, everyone from Black Dragon looked at each other then to their boss. Their minds couldn't help but wonder if their boss will be alright alone...



Dong Woon raise his voice and his eyes glare to his men. Knowing they can't go against their boss's order, everyone quickly leaves the room. However, they didn't forget to glare at the guests as if giving a warning that if any mishaps happens, they will not back down. Even if it cause them their lives.

Glaring murderously at the people across the room, Julia clench her fists. Her eyes mainly stayed on Rosè Han. With Byun Baekhyun and Min Yoongi's skills, it was no wonder Rosè Han could act all high and mighty.

"Boss, at least let me and Julia stay."

The young man spoke as he takes a step forward. He already knows that Byun Baekhyun and Min Yoongi are highly skill people, but his opinion of Rosè Han was different from Julia's. From his understanding, if this woman is the boss of both men, she must be even more dangerous. Any mishap and anything could happen.

Dong wood pressed his lip tightly together, thinking of something, he comes to a decision.

"No, you two can't—"

"They can stay. I don't mind."

Rosè Han spoke and turn to look at the three people left of Black Dragon in the room. Turning back to look up at Park Jimin, she smiles.

"What do you think, dear?"

Park Jimin arch a brow hearing his wife's words. His cold expression to Dong Woon softened when he looked back at his wife. He smiled inside at how nice it sounds to be called 'dear' by the woman he loves and adore.

"I'll go with whatever my wife say."

Looking up at the man, Rosè Han scoffed with a smile inside at how easy it was to please him. Not only that, she knows that she will have a lot of explaining to do after this. Shaking her head lightly, she reach to hold his hand and guide him back to the chair he was sitting at. However, Park Jimin sat Rosè Han down first then he reached for another chair to sit next to her.


From behind, not only was Dong Woon and his people dumbfounded, even Byun Baekhyun and Min Yoongi were dumbfounded. Both men stare in disbelief at what they were seeing. Looking at each other at the same time, Byun Baekhyun asked with eyes of questions and Min Yoongi shrug his shoulders not knowing what to answer.

No one ever thought they'd see the day the almighty king and queen act lovely dovey with each other. Better yet, no one saw this coming at all.

Sitting down, Dong Woon stare at the couple across from him. He gulp with difficulty and his body trembling nervously. At first, he thought if Rosè Han was to cause a scene here, Park Jimin who works for the government could take her down. However, never in his life did he think another scene would take place.

He stare at them with nervousness and fear. Park Jimin sat on the right and Rosè Han on the left. Behind the man were Kim Taehyung and Jackson Wang, while behind the woman were Byun Baekhyun and Min Yoongi.

This scene was as if he was in ancient times and is visiting the Emperor and Empress in the palace.

Oblivious to Dong Woon's imagination, Rosè Han cross her legs and smiles at the man.

"Dong Woon, will I have to repeat myself again?"


The middle aged man quickly answers. He takes a deep breath and wave to Julia.

"Go bring us some tea."

Julia looks at her boss, then the to people across the room. Her eyes flash with an idea and she quickly leaves the room.

However, what she did not realize was that the four people standing behind the power couple had already seen the mischievous look in her eyes. The eyes of Byun Baekhyun, Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung dimmed, while Jackson Wang shook his head in pity. The girl was just asking for trouble.

Dong Woon sighed and he shook his head, "I don't know where my brother is. What he does outside of Black Dragon never travels through to me." He looks at Rosè Han and sigh again, "If you don't mind, can you tell me what really happened?"

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