CHAPTER 332: Enjoy the show

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Helping her grandfather to his seat, Rosè Han did not sit down. She smiles apologetically to him.

"Yeye, I need to head back to prepare for the show."

"Mm. Go, go. I'll be fine here. There's also Haruto so do not worry about me."

Grandfather Mo spoke a heartily chuckle and his thumb points to Haruto who is seated behind him.

His expression was full of understanding, but deep down he really wish to spend more time with her since this is their first appearance together in public, but he knows he cannot wish for too much. She has things to take care of.

Seeing the quick flash of sadness in her yeye's eyes, Rosè Han felt her heart tighten. As his granddaughter, she should spend as much time as possible with him after the fashion show.

Thinking this, she turns away and head in the direction of the backstage.

"Jungkook, let's go."

Jeon Jungkook slightly bow to Grandfather Mo and follows after his boss. Even if he has to keep an eye out, they still need to get the show on the road.

As the supermodel and her assistant leave, a middle-aged man wearing a brown suit approaches the seat next to the old man.

"General Mo, it's a pleasant surprise to see you at this kind of event."

Grandfather Mo turn his head to look at the person. Seeing who it is, he smiles a small smile and nod his head in greeting.

"My coming here is only to support the designers of Seoul. Mr. Feng, I assume you are here with you wife and daughter?"

"Hahah, I see and yes, I was dragged here by my wife and daughter."

Mr. Feng heartily laughs as he lightly taps his thigh. Glancing at the empty seat next to the old man, he smiles.

"I saw you made a grand entrance with young Miss Han. Did you two come here together?"

Hearing this, Grandfather Mo did not get angry. He has long known the personality of the middle-aged man and Mr. Feng is not someone whose mind turn wild like others. However, Grandfather Mo's expression remains stern and unchanging.

"I met Miss Han by chance when I arrived. As an elder, I suggested we enter the event together."

"Ah, so that was what happened."

Mr. Feng nod his head in understanding. He glance at the empty seat again and sighs.

"I thought you knew the young lady. I was hoping to set a date with her for my son. You know that boy of mine has finally return from abroad after seven years and is already saying he wants to go back when he's only been home for three days."

Listening to the man, Grandfather Mo rolled his eyes. He will never sell his granddaughter out!

However, recalling Mr. Feng's son, he felt the boy wasn't so bad. At first, he even considered pairing the two together. Unfortunately, Park boy now holds the winning position.

Into his thoughts, he hears Mr. Feng sigh again.

"General Mo, I should go see where my wife and daughter has gone. I hope you have a pleasant evening and enjoy the show."

Grandfather Mo bids the man farewell and his eyes search through the crowd like an eagle. He does not know what is going on, but from the way Jeon Jungkook reacted when they arrived, it clearly means something is not right.

Thinking this, his eyes dimmed as he recalls Park Jimin's words, 'Seoul is too quiet.'

He leans back in his seat and slightly turn his head to Haruto who sat behind him but his eyes still wonder to the crowd.

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