Chapter 290: Good Job

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"Ahh! My chest hurts! Get a doctor to treat my wound!"

Doctor Yoon cries out in pain as blood continue to ooze from his chest. His white coat is stain with blood and his entire person is disheveled.

Earlier when he planned to kill grandmother Go, he didn't think that Park Jimin would shoot him.

As a doctor, he can tell that the bullet penetrated only 1 centimeter above his heart. However, it hurts more than anything.

Not only that, before he could shoot the old lady, General Mo had shot his gun causing him to fire in the air.

He glares at the old man in military uniform and then to Park Jimin.

"Can't you see I am bleeding? Get me a doctor!"

Dragging Doctor Yoon down the stairs, Park Jimin's expression does not change. He ignores the man's need for a doctor and when he takes the last step of the stairs, he shoves Doctor Yoon to the police chief.

"Take him in."

"I need a doctor!! I'm going to bleed to death!"

Doctor Yoon angrily shouts to Park Jimin's face. His eyes glaring daggers as if wanting to stab Park Jimin a thousand times.

However, Park Jimin's expression does not change and he remain indifference. He looks at the disoriented man and leans forward.

"Bleed to death or not, someone like you will suffer a far more cruel death."

He moves back and look at the police chief. Giving a signal with his head he does not bother anymore about Doctor Yoon.

"Take him away."

Watching this unfold, Old Man Mo nod his head approvingly at Park Jimin. He stroke his chin and decide that Park Jimin is indeed the perfect match for his granddaughter.

"Park boy, you've done a good job."

Hearing this, Park Jimin glance at the old man and he nod his head.

When he aimed at Doctor Yoon, he didn't think that the old man was also armed. Who knew that they thought of the same thing at the same time.

Thinking of it, the news about Doctor Yoon being capture has not gotten out, so he should tell his wife. Plus, he cannot wait to see her.

He looks at the old man and slightly bow his head in a respectful way.

"Grandfather Mo, I will leave everything here to you. I need to--"

Just as he spoke his words, he subconsciously glance in a direction and looks back to the old man. However, instead of finishing his words, he quickly looks back in the same direction and his words stop.

He furrow his brows and slightly tilt his head in confusion.

Noticing this, Old man Mo's eyes follow Park Jimin's gaze and his body turn around. He narrow his eyes trying to get a clear view of what Park Jimin is looking.

When he saw what it is, his eyes widen and he quietly sucks in a mouthful of air.

Oh God, it's his granddaughter!!!!!

Standing a few feet away from the two men, Rosè Han's figure did not move. She stares back at the two men with a calm expression.

However, deep inside, she is in a chaotic mess. Park y and her yeye are standing side by side.

She had told Park Jimin her paternal grandfather was the leader of Fate, but she didn't tell him that her maternal grandfather is the old man standing next to him. Not only that, her yeye doesn't know about their relationship!

Oh God, what is she suppose to do now? What should she say?

Jeon Jungkook who is oblivious to his boss's situation furrow his brows. He pout his lip and tap her on the shoulder.

"Boss, what is wrong with you?"


Rosè Han does not answer but continue to stare blankly at the two men a few feet away.

Seeing her like this, Jeon Jungkook's frown deepen and he lightly shakes Rose Han's shoulder. Lifting one hand, he waves it in front her.

"Hellooo-- Bosssss. Hello???"

However, not getting a response, he decides to turn his head and take a look at what his boss is so fixated on.

"Boss, what is----"

As his head move side to side to see what she is looking at, it wasn't long before his jaw drop to the floor. Every word he wanted to say is stuck in his throat and he sucks in a mouthful of air.

No wonder she did not answer him, she is dead meat!

Both men stood side by side, neither is aware that they are staring in the same direction.

Park Jimin is the first to break his gaze away, he turn to look at the old man and lower his head in a polite nod.

"Grandfather Mo, I will excuse myself first."

Not waiting for a response, Park Jimin walks away and head in the direction of his wife.

Seeing how Park Jimin is in a rush to go over to his granddaughter, Old man Mo does not say a word but stare at his back.

It wasn't until Park Jimin was distance away did the old man let out a chuckle and he shook his head.

"Chairman, what is it?"

From behind, So Hyungseok asks when he heard the old man suddenly laugh. It is unusual for the chairman to laugh, especially after a situation like the one they were in.

Old man Mo wave his hand gesturing So Hyungseok to come close. Once the assistant is close enough, he signal with his chin.

"Look over there."

Following the old man's signal, So Hyungseok narrow his eyes to see clearer and when he saw it, his jaw drops to the ground and he continuously taps the old man's shoulder.

"C-Chairman, it's... it's... what do we do?"

Old man Mo roll his eyes at his old assistant. He was clearly the one who told him, yet he's hitting him like they've been caught red handed.

Ignoring the hand tapping his shoulder, he looks at the young couple. A thought quickly comes to his mind and he grin.

"What do we do? Of course, we're going to..."

He pause in his words and the grin on his face becomes wider. He clap his hands together and rub his palm as his words continue.

"Observe closer."


So Hyungseok stare at his master with heavy eyelids. He cannot believe that the old man everyone looks up to is actually acting like a little noisy child at this moment. What happened to dignity?

However, seeing the old man already making his way through the crowd, he quickly gather himself and runs after.

A smile full of excitement appears on his face as he already forgot that he was the one questioning the old man about dignity.

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