CHAPTER 312: Spring

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The lonesome night carries on with the trickling rain. Inside a popular nightclub called Spring, the good vibe flows like a drug, but a good one. Men and women enter through the entrance upstairs as a crowd gathers around the dance floor and bar downstairs.

The loud music playing in the background brings the crowd higher and higher like adrenaline to the heart. Everyone moves like puppets on the dance floor.

Amongst the gathered crowd, two men sat at the bar with drinks in their hands. Both men were eye catching, but oblivious to the women giving them glances, yet afraid to talk to them.

One looks like a pretty boy while the other looks like a bad boy. Each man facing the opposite direction of one another.

Pretty boy faces the dance floor and nod his head in rhythm to the loud music.

"It's so packed with beauties tonight!!"

Watching the ladies dance, he couldn't help but exclaims excitedly. His posture is barely standing yet, the excitement of the nightclub made him happy.

Bad boy with his back turned to the dance floor looks at the half drunk pretty boy. His expression was complex for a long minute before he also downs his drink. Pretty boy had only 2 mix drinks and yet, he's already drunk.

Setting the empty glass down, he slightly turns to the man.

"Kim Taehyung, are you sure you've been here before?"

That's right, pretty boy and bad boy are none other than Kim Taehyung and Byun Baekhyun.

Kim Taehyung, who is beaming with excitement thought about Byun Baekhyun's words. In a half drunken state of mind, he flung his head at the man and grin.

"Heh. I've never been to a nightclub. I only heard about this place from men of Wolf Team."


The corners of Byun Baekhyun's lip twitch uncontrollably. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this moment. He scratches his forehead and wave his hand to get a bartender's attention.

"Bartender! Can we get two of your strongest liquor!"

After confirming there were no more enemy lurking in the dark around Jade Condos, both men came to Spring for a few drinks. Of course, Kim Taehyung had to change out of his tactical attire before coming here, but that's not the point.

The point is, while they were on their way here, Kim Taehyung bragged about the nightclub like he's been to it countless times. He even mentioned that the people who come here are from prominent families.

Thinking this, Byun Baekhyun looks at pretty boy next to him and he shook his head.

Who would have thought everything Kim Taehyung told him were based on experiences told by others.

"Here you go. Two shots of our finest liquor."

A bartender spoke as he hands two shot glasses to Byun Baekhyun, then proceed in assisting others.

Byun Baekhyun looks down at the two shots and he takes a deep breath. He hands one to Kim Taehyung and turn to face the dance floor.

"Since were here, mind as well enjoy out time."

He clanks his shot glass with Kim Taehyung's and tilt his head back to drink the liquor.

At the same time, Kim Taehyung does the same thing and set his shot glass down when finished. A wide grin curls on his lip and he put one arm over Byun Baekhyun's shoulder. Lifting his other arm to the sky, he exclaims.

"Wahh-hooo—!! Let's part-tay—!"

Both men walk away from the bar and made their way towards the dance floor.

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