CHAPTER 381: Return this to you

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"What is it? Why is the General suddenly crying?"

"I have never seen the old man cry before. Rosè Han's gift must be very meaningful to make him cry so sad."

Questions erupt from the crowd as they suddenly see the infamous and strong General cry in such a heart-breaking way.

Rosè muted the voices of those whispering as her eyes stares only at the old man at her side. She did not expect him to break down the moment he saw this, but who could blame him.

It had been so many years...

Lifting her hand, she gentle touch his back and sooth him like he was child.

"Yeye, please do not cry... It breaks my heart to see you this way."

Grandfather Mo nod his head, but he was unable to calm his tears as he stares down at the gift she had given him.

Seated on the other side, when Junkyu saw the gift, his eyes also teared up, but he forced his tears to not fall. The pain in his heart cannot be compared to the old man's at this moment.

He looks at Rosè and in a trembling voice he asks her.

"Jie... is it really...?"

His voice shook so badly that he couldn't even finish his question and stares back at the gift in the old man's hand.

Rosè's gift was a very simple jadeite stone.

However, it wasn't like any in the world. The texture of the stone is fine as one can see the stone's natural translucency.

Even inside the box, one can see the purity in the green color of the jadeite with a strong saturation and bright tone.

Grandfather Mo's trembling fingers trace over the jade stone like it was a lost item that had been returned to him. An item that he had long to see again in so many years.

Which is exactly like that.

His lower lip trembles and his eyes slowly to take a deep breath.

"My dear wife..."

He choked his words in a very faint sob that only Rosè and Junkyu could hear. However, the Park family standing at the side felt their heart tinge in pain for the old man who always maintained a strong image.

Even if they do not know what Rosè had given the old man, to make him cry like this, they know that it has to be something to do with Grandmother Mo.

Only the thought of her can make the old man lose his composure like this.

After what felt like entire day had gone by, Grandfather Mo was finally able to calm down. Except his eyes did not leave the stone at all.

This stone, for so many years he had been secretly searching for it more than anything else.

It was the stone he had given to his dear wife when he proposed to her. It was their momentum of love.

His wife had turned it into a necklace and wore it every day without taking it off. When she turned ill and could not leave the bed, she had asked him to cremate it was her.

She said she wanted to bring their love with her when she leaves the world. That way, it will be the light that helps guide her in the long journey.

He kept his promise to her as he wanted her to know that even after death, his love will never leave her.

However, due to mishap, on the day she was to be cremated, the despicable diener who was ordered to take care of her stole the necklace.

The man fled the country by ship in hopes of selling it in a different country, but authorities were able to hunt him down before leaving the country.

[2] The Second Love || PJ&RPTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon