CHAPTER 341: Sneak an attack

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The men in the black van were caught off guard, but each person quickly takes their guns out and slides the backdoor open. None of them had expected the homeless man to pull out a gun.

"Shoot him!!!!"

Dong Joonwoo yells to his men as he tries to untangle the blanket around his neck. However, the more he struggles, the more the blanket tightens.

*Pu! Pu! Pu!

Before Dong Joonwoo's men could even pull their triggers, the homeless man pulled his first. He quickly takes down the men that steps out of the van.

Doing so, he pulls Dong Joonwoo back making the man fall to the ground. He turns around and runs from the vans whiles dragging Dong Joonwoo by the blanket.

"Asshole! You're gonna die!"

Dong Joonwoo burned in rage at the humiliation he is put in. Not only that, he also lost his gun when he fell down!

At the same time, the doors to the other four vans abruptly opens and the men inside jump out. Each person holding a gun with attached silencers as they give chase.

*Pu! Pu! Pu!

Bullets flies out from every direction, but all seemed to miss the homeless man and directed at the man being dragged.

'Shoot him!! NOT! ME!!"

Dong Joonwoo's face drained of all colors as the bullets hit the ground close to him. How can his men be so useless and shoot at him?!

The homeless man continues to run from the group of men now chasing behind. Why does this feel like deja vu all over again!

With one hand gripping tightly onto the blanket, his hand holding the gun lifts to press a button on his earpiece.

"Baekhyun!! Shoot! Shoot them!!"

Kim Taehyung's screams into the earpiece with his eyes tightly shut and teeth clenching in full view. He runs with all his might and curse inside for being the one who has to do this dangerous task!

["Hey, no one told you to do paper."]

Through the earpiece, Byun Baekhyun nonchalantly sounds in. It really wasn't anyone's fault that Kim Taehyung lost in one round of paper, rock, scissors.


["Wow! Assistant Kim, you really lost?"]

["Someone finally beat the Paper Champion!"]

Hearing the laughter of everyone through the earpiece, Kim Taehyung swears inside. He and Byun Baekhyun had to determine who was going to snatch the target and his always winning paper lost to Byun Baekhyun rusty old scissor.

"Alright! I lost! Now can you guys help a brother out?!"

Kim Taehyung yells into the earpiece as his legs continue without stopping.


A bullet shoots from behind passing Kim Taehyung 's head to the right. His eyes widen and his speed increases with a few jumps here and there.

"Hurry up! Shooooot—!!"

The moment Kim Taehyung runs pass a small building, Byun Baekhyun's homeless figure steps out into view.

A wide grin curls on his lip making him look like a mad man. He raise both arms and the blanket over him drops to the ground revealing two guns in his hands.

*Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!

He takes down four men but does not stop. Four more bullets shoots out and four more men falls to the ground. Each trigger he pulled did not miss its target at all.

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