CHAPTER 350: The winner is

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The broadcasting of the annual Fall Fashion Show continues as those at home watch and cheered for their designer of support. At the same time, the Mo Mansion held a nervous vibe. Outside where the soldiers reside, a television turns on to the channel of the live broadcasting.

"I knew our young miss is someone with a pure heart and soul. She doesn't need to win because she will always be a winner in my heart."

Yeonjun sobbed his words with tearful eyes. He may have only met Rosè Han a few times, but those few times were enough for him to differentiate what kind of person she is.

Thinking of the kindness she has given, he couldn't help but lift his hand and touch the pendant of the necklace on his neck. It was the very necklace when he first encountered her and a gift he will treasure even after death.

Seeing him do so, the other soldiers surrounding the television did not hesitate to do the same. They were all blessed to have known not only the old general, but also the young miss.

"Our Miss is the best!"

"Win or lose, like Yeonjun said, she is always the winner in our heart! No one is better than her!"

All the soldiers at the Mo Mansion shouted in full of support. Even if they can only watch at home, they are spiritually there with Rosè .

As the soldiers cheer on their own outside, inside the Mo Mansion, Junkyu and Housekeeper Ha sat in the living room with their eyes glued on the television. Not only them, but Hyungseok and the other servants were also present.

"Ah! Hurry up and announce the winner already!"

Housekeep Yu exclaimed nervously. Knowing that the event was today, he and all the servants sped up with their chores. That way once the show started, they can also enjoy it.

Both his arms raise into fists in front of him and he whispers to himself.

"Young Miss, do your best! We are cheering for you!"

Sitting next to the old man, Junkyu stares nervously at the screen. However, seeing his older sister standing next to the cold and aloof man, he recalls his grandfather's question and pout his lips.

"Assistant Hyun, do you think Park Jimin is a good match for my jie?"

Hearing the boy's sudden question, Hyungseok didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Good match for the young Miss? Boy, they are already in a relationship. However, as of right now, he cannot say anything.

Looking at the same screen as the boy, he sighs inside. Although not much was said, Park Jimin clearly hinted to the whole world how he feels towards Rosè Han.

He shook his head and sighs.

"Don't listen to what others say about the Park boy. Not everything you hear is true."

Junkyu nod his head without looking away from the screen. His grandfather had once asked him how he felt about Park Jimin.

Truth be told, he would be lying if he said Park Jimin was not a scary man. Although they have not met face to face, he can tell that the aura around the man is very unapproachable.

In the past, Park Jimin would bring his men to train with the soldiers, but he (Junkyu) was too focused on his studies to even think about training like now.

From what he knows, Park Jimin is a man capable of many things. He heard one of the soldiers mention that Park Jimin's ruthlessness is not to be taken lightly. His men may be the ones doing most of the work, but once when it's personally him, his ways of tormenting others are beyond the imaginable and will give anyone who witness it nightmares for the rest of their lives if not years.

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