CHAPTER 363: Not his sister!

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Distracted by the view, Rosè Han stares out the passenger window in awe. Right outside of the gate is a gold sign with the words engraved, 'Peony Villa.'

The second the car drove through the gate she was more in awe as she gasps in amazement.

During her career as a model, she had once read in one of Beauty's magazines about 'Peony Villa.' It was and still is the top-rated place to live in all of Seoul. In the article, it mentioned that only the wealthiest families live here and each house is worth millions.

Even she isn't surprise to know that the Park family has their home here.

As Park Jimin continues to drive the car forward, Rosè Han continue to stare at the scenery outside. She couldn't help but be reminded of her grandfather's place. Although his house was surrounded by cherry blossoms, Peony Villa is exactly as it's given name.

Due to the cold season they are in, she can see that once Spring and summer comes, the trees that surrounded the place would be blossom with beautiful peonies.

"Do you want to live here instead?"

Park Jimin chuckles in his words. He wasn't sure if it was her intentions, but he could hear her sighs in awe each time the car passes by a house.

If she does want to live here, he will buy one of the vacant houses and have their belongings move here.

Of course, he never intended to live near his parents since his mother always nagged him about marriage, but now, it was different. They are going to get marry and she is going to give birth. With his mother around to visit, it will help make his wife more comfortable.

Hearing his questions, Rosè Han shook her head and turns to look at him. She smiles and part her lips to speak.

"Here is nice, but I like our new home."

Which is the truth. She had never understood why her grandfather chose to live in a secluded place far from the noisy city, but now that she is older, she understood.

With a busy life one has every day, living in a quiet place can put one's mind to ease. Like nothing in the world can bother them.

Into her thoughts, Park Jimin's car reaches the end of the road and turns into a driveway that goes up to a small hill. The moment they turned into the driveway, Rosè Han's eyes slightly widens at the change of scenery in front of her.

The red sky above added a breath-taking background to the surrounding area. However, what caught her attention the most is the neo-eclectic house with limestone exterior.

Out of all the 34 houses in Peony Villa, she has to admit, this one is by far the most extravagant one, but it's details and structure is the reason for it extravagant.

It can even be on pair with her grandfather's Spanish house.

Staring at the lovely house, she wanted to ask if this was the Park family house, but before she could ask, her question was already answered as she sees a sign with the Park family crest.

Park Jimin's car pulls up into the round driveway and slows into a stop as it parks.

While Rosè Han was lost in her daze, Park Jimin turns the car off and opens the driver door to step out. He then walks around to help his wife out from the passenger side.

"You're here!!!"

Just as Rosè Han stepped out of the car, a woman's cheerful voice calls out to greet the two of them. Before she could even step away from the car, a hand comes to view and pushes Park Jimin to the side and grabs hold of Rosè Han's.


Park Jimin stares with heavy eyes at the woman. Good thing his reflexes were good, and he steadied himself. If not, that shove would had knocked him off balance.

He looks down at the gift in his hand and sighed inside. Luckily, he held the gift away so his wife could step out of the car. If not, this woman would have toss it away without a care.

Shaking his head with another sigh, he closes the passenger door and sighs a smile to his wife.

"Rosè, this is my mother."

Rosè Han lightly nod her head and looks at Madam Park. She smiles to the older woman with a polite bow in greeting.

"Hello Aunty Prk, I am Rosè Han."

Hearing the word 'aunty', Madam Park who was smiling like there was no tomorrow suddenly purse her lips disapprovingly. She looked like Rosè Han had offended her family's nine generations.

Seeing her look, Rosè Hanwas washed with nervousness as her body tense. She turns to look at Park Jimin, but before she could say anything, Madam Park's hands around hers tightens.

"No need to call me aunty. Instead, Rosè can call me mother."


Rosè stares at Madam Park who now had glistening eyes and a wide grin. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this moment. However, staring at the middle age woman, she couldn't help but smile in return.

How wonderful this feeling is...

It's been so many years since she has said the word mother.

Gazing at the women full of smiles, Rosè felt her eyes turn moist, but not enough to make her cry. With no intentions of doing it on purpose, she murmur in a whisper to herself.


Although her whisper was very quiet, it did not escape Madam Park's ears. Her eyes lit up even brighter than ever and she heartily laughs with her head nodding approvingly.

She moves to stand side by side with Rosè and her hand gently pat over the model's hand she was holding.

"This old lady had always wanted a daughter but was given two sons. How about you become my Park family's daughter? What do you say?"


From behind, Park Jimin growls unapprovingly at his mother's preposterous question. Rosè is going to be his wife and child's mother. Not his sister!

Madam Park cast a glare in the direction of her oldest son but seeing his murderous look like he wanted to strangle her to death, she stuck her tongue out at him like a child.

Without a care, she looks back at Rosè and unlike her reaction towards her son, she was in smiles again. It was as if she had never done such a childish thing.

"Aiya, what are you getting jealous for?"

She waves her hand as if to brush her son away. Holding onto her future daughter-in-law's hand, she pulls Rosè in the direction of the Park family house.

"The weather is colder today. Come, let us go inside."

After seeing Rosè at the fashion show, she was even more eager to meet the person. However, after the event ended, she was told that her annoying son had already stole the model and left.

If not for that reason, today would have been their second time meeting each other!

She had told Park Jimin to bring Rose Han over, but if she could have decided, she would have preferred only her daughter-in-law. Of course, she couldn't do such thing because others will say she neglects her own son.

Watching his mother and wife walk away, Park Jimin could guess his mother's intentions. He shook his head and calmly follows after them.

[2] The Second Love || PJ&RPHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin