Chapter 1.

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Prod . . .

I was driving from dinner with my wife of five years, Ashley while we had a rap contest.

"Started from the bottom now we here!" She said, laughing right after. I laughed with her as we continued to rap. While at a stop light, I tapped the steering wheel to give her a beat. She tried to freestyle but quickly gave up, laughing even harder.

Once our laughter died down, I looked over at her. She was so beautiful; everything about he was perfect. I was glad we've lasted so long after all we've been through.

"Do you think we could stop by the corner store? I want a soda." She asked, smiling, her dimples becoming evident.

"Yeah. . . Anything for my baby." I said, playfully as she hit my shoulder, laughing.

I pulled up into the parking lot of the corner store and turned off the car. I took off my seatbelt, opening the door until she stopped me. I looked at her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I got it." She said. I reached in my pocket for some change and handed it to her. She opened the door and made her way inside the store. I sat back in my seat, sighing deeply.

Today was really a long day. Ashley and I spent the entire day together. We cooked breakfast for our son, Christian, we went out for a walk on the beach, we went out to dinner and now we were on our way home to finish the night off. Spending this much time with her makes me fall in love all over again.

I looked up toward the store, seeing Ashley walking up to the counter. I felt a strong vibration, noticing a car pulling into the spot next to me. I couldn't see who was inside, mainly because of the tinted windows but I didn't want to just stare either. I sat back in my seat, pulling my phone from my pocket, replying to Ray's message that he sent moments earlier.

Two people got out of the car next to me and proceeded into the store. I felt strange for some reason but I shook the feeling away. I scratched the back of my neck, waiting for my wife to buy her things. Resting my phone on the arm rest, I closed my eyes slightly.

Then I heard several loud blasts. My eyes snapped open as I searched around, my heart racing extremely fast. The two men ran out of the store with a large black bag, speeding off once they got in their car. I ran out of my own car, running into the store.

My eyes widened when I saw Ashley laying on the floor, unconscious. I ran over to her, falling underneath her in the process, holding her head in my lap. Tears ran down my face as I sobbed and pulled her closer to me.

"No! No! No! No! Please, God no!" I yelled, tears willingly falling down my cheeks.

I looked at her and continued cry. Her eyes were slightly open as blood ran out of her mouth. "Ashley, baby, Please! I can't lose you! I can't! Just stay with me. Stay with me please. God." I cried harder, my breathing becoming harder for me to handle.

Tears ran down her face as she clutched onto my shirt. "Craig. . ." She cried.

"I'm here, baby." I whispered, touching her face gently like the angel she was. This couldn't be happening. I was losing the mother of my son, the love of my life. . My best friend.

Ashley opened her mouth as she struggled to breathe. "Craig. . I love-" she struggled to finish her sentence.

I crouched down and nuzzled my face in her neck. I didn't even have the strength to get up and call the police. I didn't want to let her go. . .

I was too afraid to.

Suddenly, I heard the faint sound of sirens approaching the corner store. I continued to cry and sob, as I clutched my dying wife in my arms tightly.

"Please, don't leave me. . . Please." I begged.

Slowly, her eyes began to lose focus. Tears continued to slip out of her eyes as she looked at me. Her grip on my shirt loosened as the sirens grew closer.

"Ashley. . ." I called out.

Her eye lids went limp along with her body. I was soon realizing what was actually happened.

"Baby. . . Baby? Ashley. Ashley! Please, baby wake up! Please!" I sobbed into her neck. "No please! I can't lose you! Please!"

Suddenly, the corner store door opened and in came the police officers and medics. They immediately brushed me out the way and checked Ashley's pulse.

"No pulse!" The medic yelled as I stood there in shock.

More medics ran in and tried to revive her, but it was too late.

She was gone. . .

"We're so sorry." They spoke to me.

They checked the store and found the owner behind the counter, dead from two gunshot wounds to the chest and head. I just couldn't believe it all happened that fast. One minute we were talking and laughing and now. . .

A police officer came up to me with a notepad in his hand. "How do you know the victim?"

"She's. . She's my wife." I stammered.

A look of remorse grew on his face. "I'm so sorry."

Everything he said after that didn't even matter. My whole world was ending right in front of me.


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- McKenzie.

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