Chapter 30.

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Sorry for not updating .___.



"It's crazy.." Ray trailed. He sat on the top bunk that he had been sleeping in for little over a year now.

He never once thought he'd spend the rest of his life in jail but with Jacob being M.I.A, he knew his nightmare was slowly coming true.

"What is?" Craig asked.

"How.. we've known Jacob for so long and he always promised that he'd have our backs when we needed him but he hasn't shown his face in a year.." Ray confessed.


"And don't even try to take up for him because you know im right."

Craig sighed. He didn't want to believe that Jacob bailed on them. Jacob wasn't like that... He wouldn't just give up on his brothers.


Jacob frantically paced around the waiting room at the State Prison. He was nervous about seeing the guys again.. especially Chresanto. He had made a personal promise to him and broke it but he had a reason.


"Next group.." The guard announced.

Jacob hurried to the door quickly.

As he walked to the small window, he grew nervous once again. He waited a few minutes until he saw the new group of inmates walk in. His eyes quickly found Chresanto. He wasn't too happy to see him.

Chres slowly walked to the glass window and sat down. Jacob slowly grabbed the phone and held it against his ear. Chres did the same.

"What the FUCK are you doing here?" Chres growled.

"Look, just let me explain.." Jacob started.

"Nigga, you've been missing in action for a year! I thought you said you were going to handle everything?"

"I tried!" Jacob said. "but something happened.."

Chres stayed silent.

"Remember how Craig told us there were two guys? Antoine and his friend, Lucas?" Jacob asked.

"What does that have to do with you?" Chres asked.

Jacob sighed, "Lucas found me.. He knows where I live, where your family lives, Craig's, Ray's... everything."

"How the fu--"

"That's not the bad part.." Jacob groaned. "He wants me to testify against yall in court.. and if I don't.. he said I'll pay."

So many thoughts were running through Chresanto's mind. He was beyond pissed at the thought that this nigga really wanted them to rott in prison.

"Listen, don't testify--"

"He'll kill me!" Jacob exclaimed. "I know you guys are my brothers, but I have to!"

"Jacob, you're a fucking cop! He's not going to kill you! If he tries, do you know how fast they'll fry his ass?!" Chres urged.

Jacob stayed silent.

"Get your head together.. aight? Just do what you promised a year ago and get us out of this.." Chres said.

Jacob sighed, "Aight."

Chres hung up the phone and stood up. He wasn't happy with Jacob at this point but they were stilk brothers. A guard led him into the main area for the inmates. He sat on a bench quietly and sighed. He was drained. He didn't want to stay here anymore and he needed a way to get out.


Craig sat in front of a glass window and waited for his visitor. He was nervous and slightly relieved that he'd see someone from the outside. Being stuck in prison with the same people and not to mention, a place FULL of guys wasn't rubbing Craig in a good way.

Craig finally saw Kelsey. She sat down in the chair and smiled at him. They both picked up their phones.

"Hey.." Kelsey trailed.

"Hey." Craig said.

"How are you?" She asked.

"Im holding up." He sighed. "What about you? How's Christian?"

It had been over a year since Craig saw his son. He missed him so much and hated the fact that he couldn't be there to see his son grow up.

"Im okay.. Christian's okay. You know.. he just started Kindergarten not too long ago." She said.

"Damn.." Craig sighed.

He missed out on a lot.

"He misses you, Craig."

"I miss him too."

Even though, Craig and Kelsey weren't together anymore, he still cared about her and was thankful that she adopted Christian. He really didn't know what he'd do without her.

"I-I don't even know what to say.."

"Things really have changed." Craig said.


Things had gotten awkward after Kelsey revealed what happened to her. She wasn't really the same around Craig anymore. He knew she was still hurt and upset about the baby but there was nothing he could do.

"Thank you.." Craig said.


" I just want to thank you for everything.. Even though we're not together you're still here for me.. I'll always love you for that." Craig said.

"I told you I'd always be there for you.. no matter what." Kelsey said.

"Time's up!" The guard yelled.

"I love you." Craig said.

"I love you too Craig." Kelsey said.

And they were telling the truth but faith was against them. They both knew it was too dangerous and complicated for them to be together.

Craig walked into the main area and noticed Chresanto sitting by himself. He sat next to him on the bench and sighed.

"Please don't come over here with another sob story.." Chresanto said.

Craig laughed and shook his head, "Im not, man.. I'm just hoping this all blows over soon."

"Me too. But hey, living with me until you die isn't as bad as it seems." Chres joked.

"You're not funny, Chres." Craig said.

"I am though."

Craig stood up and patted Chresanto's shoulder, "Whatever you say.. Come on, its time to head back to our cells."

"Aight man." He said, walking away. "Aye! Don't forget about our baskteball game too, bro. I want a rematch!" Chres yelled.

"Tomorrow?" Craig asked.

"Yeah. After I have kitchen duty.."

"Aight bro."

But what they didn't know was that that would be the last time Chres and Craig see each other..


Thanks for reading.

Sorry for being M.I.A like Jacob but a lots been going on.

uh yeah.

- McKenzie.

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