Chapter 10.

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(A/N): I've decided to give YN a name, so I've decided to name her Ashley. Something simple, not too complicated and yeah.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy.



"So, you're saying that I have a certain amount of time to roam earth?" I asked Joshua, who really wasn't interested in what I had to say.

He was eating like a pig, while I was stressing. When he finally looked up at me, he sighed. "It's really not that hard to understand. Once it's time for you to crossover, you can't come back to see your family." He said.

"How long do I have left?" I asked.

"You've been gone for about.. Well, a few weeks now so I'd say a few more days." He said.

A few more days? "So would I still be able to see them at all?" I asked, as Joshua stopped eating again.

"If you're trying to stalk your husband when this girl comes along, forget about it! There's nothing you can do but accept it." He said, nonchalantly.

"Accept it? You want me to accept the fact that my husband is going to fall in love with ANOTHER woman? Joshua, you don't understand." I said, shaking my head.

"Ashley, if you love Craig then you'd want him to be happy. If you're not there to make him happy anymore, then let someone else put a smile on his face and love in his heart." Joshua said.

He was right. It would be hard, but I love Craig and I want him to be happy.

Even if I wasn't with him.

"What about Christian?" I asked, sighing.

"He'll be fine." Joshua replied. He continued to eat his food. Don't even ask how since we're dead but he's eating.

"Will-will he remember me?" I asked, my voice slightly cracking. I was afraid to hear the answer. I didn't want my son to forget who I was.

"You worry too much. He's not going to forget about you. He loves you. He's four and he has quite a lot of memory of you." Joshua replied.

I sighed deeply, "Okay.. That's good to hear. Do you know who the woman is?" I asked.

Joshua threw his hands up, "Ashley! Stop worrying about her! Okay? She's going to make them happy for you! Okay? Stop. Worrying. I promise that everything will be alright." He said.

"What day is it?" I asked.

"It's Friday. Why?" He asked, checking his watch.

"Wait, it was just Monday. How is it Friday already?" I asked, sitting next to him. He looked over at me, "Time goes by fast from up here. Hours, days, months, years can go by in a blink of an eye here.." He said.

He made a face like he was thinking, or listening. "Craig's going on a date tonight."

"With who?" I asked, eyes widening.

"Well how about we take a look.." He trailed, grabbing my hand. He snapped his fingers twice and suddenly, we were in my old bedroom, next to Craig.

He was dressed up, and he smelled really good. He stood in front of the mirror and sighed deeply.

"You can do this, Craig." He whispered.

"Why is he encouraging himself?" I asked Joshua. "He hasn't been on a date with anyone else other than you, in years." Joshua said, sitting on the bed.

I stood next to Craig, while he continued to look in the mirror. "Can I talk to him?" I asked Joshua.

"You can put thoughts in his head to communicate to him through thoughts. But it will only work if he accepts it." Joshua replied, laying on the bed.

I sighed, I tried to get into his thoughts. I had to really think about it. I suddenly began to hear his voice but he wasn't talking.

"Why am I so nervous, man?"

"I need to just chill."

Now was my chance.

"Craig?" I said out loud. I stared at him, examining his face. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Craig." I called out again.

"Why am I hearing Ashley's voice?" He thought.

Suddenly his phone rang, sending me out of his thoughts. I sighed deeply, watching him walk over to his phone.

"Hello? Yeah.. Alright... I can't wait to see you too.." He stops to laugh, "Alright, I'm on my way." He said.

"Joshua, he's leaving." I whined.

"You can't stop him." Joshua said lifting from the bed. "Remember, you're not exactly here."

"Well, hurry do something to let him know that I'm here! Please!" I urged, I was on the verge of tears.

This was like the first day I sent Christian to day care. I cried so much. I didn't want him to leave, so Craig had to walk him inside.

Joshua sighed, "Fine."

He walked over to a picture of Craig and I that sat on the nightstand. He gently knocked it off the nightstand, let the sound catch Craig'a attention. Craig furrowed his eyebrows, setting his phone down on the bed. He walked over to the picture, picking it up, sighing deeply.

"I miss you so much, Ashley. You have no idea." He said, running his fingers over the glassed frame. "I love you." He whispered, setting the picture back down on the nightstand.

I could tell Joshua was reading Craig's thoughts, "He's wondering how the picture fell.. He wants to think that you're here but.." He trailed.

"But what?" I asked, my worry rising.

"He shrugged it off." Joshua finished.

My heart cracked, once again. "Oh." That was all I could say.


Thanks for reading! 5+votes for next chapter! Vote, follow and comment! Comments make me happy :) tell me what you think!

- McKenzie.

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