Chapter 26.

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I just don't understand the hate for Kelsey though..

And why does everybody want this to be a dream?! Lol it's not a dream. This all happened and yeah.. I'm sorry.

But anyway love bugs, enjoy :)



Chresanto laid in the warm, small hospital bed in agony. He had multiple wounds on his torso, legs, back, face and arms.. Just everywhere. He never thought anything like this could happen to him especially. The doctor came to check on him every 20 minutes which pissed him off. He didn't want to be treated like a kid. But he couldn't do anything about it since he couldn't move around on his own.

"Chresanto, you have a visitor." The nurse said, as she walked out of his room.

Moments later, Chresanto saw a person that he never thought he'd see again.


The girl who tried to throw him in jail.

His ex.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Stacy?" He spat.

She walked closer to his bed, yet keeping her distance. She had a look of sorrow on her face as she looked at him.

"I came here to apologize." She said quietly.

Chres laughed, "So when I'm laying on my death bed, you decided to apologize? Petty ass female, man."

"Chres just listen to me--"

"Listen to you? Listen to you?! Why should I? You didn't fucking listen when I begged you not to leave me! And what did you do? You left me."

"Chres, that was years ago!"

"I don't give a FUCK. Matter of fact, get out of my fucking room. And the fact that you tried to snake me out in court as a "witness", you're fucking sad." He spat.

"Can you just hear me out? Please.."

Chresanto still loved her. He never stopped loving her. Even after all of the pain, and hurt she caused it was crazy that he did.

Chresanto shifted uncomfortably in the hospital bed. His bandage over his large cut, on his cheek itched from underneath. Stacy noticed his body language so she walked over to him. She looked for his ointment in the hospital drawers.

"I don't need your help.." He growled.

She ignored him and continued to search until she found it. She twisted the cap off as she walked over to his side. He scooted away from her, pushing her arm away from him.

"Stop acting like a baby and let me help you!" Stacy fussed.

"I don't want your fucking help."

She reached for his face only to be pushed away.

"Chres." She glared.

He sighed of irritation allowing her to mover closer to him. She reached for his bandage and pulled at the small pieces of tape slowly. He flinched at the tape pulling his skin.

She took the bandage slowly off his cheek. Her eyes widened when she saw the cut on his cheek. It was right underneath his eye, leading down to his chin diagonally. It was stitched up tightly.

His eyes scanned her face as she stared at the cut. He cleared his throat, catching her attention.

She jumped, "I'm sorry." She whispered.

She applied the cream around his cut and slightly on it. She tried her best not to hurt him but he winced and hissed anyway. It was weird for her to be this close to him after not being with him for so long. Once she finished, she replaced his old bandage with a new one. She stepped away from him, grabbing a roll of paper towels, ripping one off and wiping her hands.

They sat there in silence until..

"Thank you." Chres mumbled.

She looked up at him, a small smile forming on her face, "You're welcome."

The room went silent again as they both sat there. By now, Stacy was sitting in the chair next to his bed. She could see bandages on his arms and neck but since his lower body was underneath a blanket, she couldn't see his wounded legs.

She pushed some loose hair behind her ear, "What happened?"


"W-what happened to you?"

He rubbed the back of his neck before speaking, "Some guys jumped me and pulled out knives.. Well, razor blades."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm alive, right?" He asked as he scanned her face.

She lowered her hand and looked at her hands. Chres played with a bandage on his arm while silence filled the room once again.

But Chres broke it, "Look, I don't want you coming down here because you think I'm some charity case.. Tell me why you came back.."

"I came back to ask for your forgiveness and--"

"Why now? After 10 years? Then you wanna pull that shit in court? Who you fooling, Stacy?" Chres growled.

She sighed, "I'm serious," she looked down, "I just wanted to make things right."

"It's a little too late for that." Chres said sternly.

She understood his message. Chres was always a persistent and forgiving person but when he was hurt too many times, he was a tough guy to crack. She grabbed her purse as she stood up from her spot on the chair. She walked to the door, stopping briefly.

"Chresanto, I'm REALLY sorry and I mean that." She said quietly. She walked out the room, leaving Chres alone.

Chres wanted to stop her.. But he knew it was a bad idea. He thought she'd be back but what he didn't know was that that was the last time he'd see her again.


This was short! Blah, I wanted to make y'all wait for the court chapter ;) HAHAHAHA.

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- McKenzie.

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