Chapter 20.

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It's been two weeks since, Kelsey and I talked about everything and shared ourselves with each other, she's been by my side ever since. I loved her for that. Today, I was going to meet up with my lawyer to discuss what will happen if I go to prison. Kelsey asked if she could tag along and I agreed. My mom also came to support me.

We walked into the fall building, glancing around.

"You okay?" Kelsey asked me.

"Yeah." I said, barely. I knew she had a feeling that I was nervous. She held on to my hand tightly, as we walked to the assigned room.

I honestly was nervous. I killed Antoine and not only did I know, but Chres, Ray, Jacob, Kelsey and Lucas knew. I knew my boys wouldn't rat me out but Lucas already wanted me dead, so there's no telling what he would do.

Kelsey and I walked into the room, finding my mom and my lawyer, Tobi sitting, waiting for me. My mom's eyes lit up when she saw me. She stood up, pulling me into her arms.

"I've missed you so much." She said.

"I missed you too, ma." I said, pulling away. She looked over at Kelsey with a small smile on he face, "Ma, this is Kelsey. She's been with me since all of this stuff happened." I said.

My mom pulled Kelsey into a hug, "It's so nice to meet you." She said, smiling.

"Nice to meet you too." Kelsey said, shyly.

"I don't mean to break up this family reunion, but we have a time schedule." Tobi said, tapping on the table.

We sat in our seats, focusing on him and what he had to say. "Alright, Craig you have a court date later on today.. You need to be prepared for whatever happens."

"Does my case look okay?" I asked.

"Right now, yes. They don't have any evidence that links you or your friends to the murder." Tobi said, sitting back in his chair.

But I did it.

"You have a hour until court.. I'll see you then." He said, packing his stuff into his briefcase.

"That's it?" Kelsey asked.

"Yes. I have a scheduled appointed in ten minutes.. We're done here." Tobi said, walking out of the office.

I sighed.

My mom, Kelsey and I all stood up, walking out of the office. Kelsey took my hand again, intertwining her fingers with mine.

"Want to get something to eat?" I asked. They both nodded and we left.

The whole car ride to IHop was quiet. I didn't know what to think. I was scared, disappointed and nervous as hell. I knew I killed him and I deserved to be punished for what I did but jail isn't a place for me. It was kind of like Lucas and I were in the same position. He killed my wife and I killed his Bestfriend. I wanted justice for what happened and now that's what he wanted. I was willing to kill for Ashley and he was willing to kill for Antoine.

We stepped inside the restaurant, immediately greeted by a waiter. He sat us down in a booth, asking what we wanted to drink. Once he left, we all grew more comfortable.

"So are you two seeing each other?" My mom asked, smiling at me.

I always knew no matter what, my mom always smiled. She never let anything keep a smile off her face.

"Yeah." I said.

"May I be excused?" Kelsey asked, a small smile growing on her face.

"Of course, sweetie. No need to ask." My mom said, as Kelsey stood up and excused herself.

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