Chapter 33.

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Chresanto's lifeless body laid in the small warm hospital bed once again. His mother and surprisingly, Stacy sat in the chairs next to his bed.

[A/N: Okay, I know I said that Chres and Stacy wouldn't see each other again, but I lied.. So yeah]

Stacy looked up at Chres and sighed heavily. The doctor informed her and his mother that he had slipped into a coma and if he didn't come out of it without the certain amount of days, they would have to pull the plug. That frightened her the most.. To see the love of her life slip away from her. Even though they had their differences, she still loved him and he loved her just as much.

Chres' mother stood up and sighed. "Stacy, do you want anything from the cafeteria downstairs?"

"No thank you." Stacy said as she shook her head slowly.

"Okay." Chres' mother walked out, leaving Stacy in the quiet hospital room.

Stacy slid her chair closer to the bed and sighed heavily. She grabbed his hand gently and ran her thumb over it slowly. "Chres, I'm so sorry."

The beeping of his heart machine filled the quiet room. She watched his chest lift and fall slowly. His face was bruised badly and his left arm was in a hard cast. She couldn't believe all of this happened to him a second time. She knew this definitely wasn't an accident.

"Chres, I don't know if you can hear me, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry and that I love you so much. You really don't know how much I love you. I'm sorry for testifying in court.. I shouldn't have. All you ever were was good to me and I took advantage of that.."

She continued. "Please, Chresanto, d-don't give up on me. We all need you here.. You can fight through this. I know you can.. Remember--remember when we were in high school and you told me that one day, you wanted to be a famous boxer. Y-you said that you'd never lose a fight no matter what.. Remember that?"

By now, she was in tears. She couldn't lose him.. Not like this. They were supposed to grow old together. She couldn't let him go like this.

She just couldn't.

She held onto his hand tightly as she scanned his face. "Chresanto, I love you so much."

Suddenly, she felt his hand tightened against hers. Her eyes widened as she eyed him closely.

- - - - - - -

"I just think we should reopen the case.. There's not even enough evidence anyway." Jacob said as he paced around his boss' office.

Sergeant sighed heavily. "Look, Perez, we can't reopen the case because its already been closed. The suspects are in prison.. There's no way the judge would allow it."

"The case wasn't even a trial like how it was supposed to be though!" Jacob exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "That's not a fair verdict. This case was closed unprofessionally."

"Perez, there's nothing I can do."

"There has to be something.. Anything.. Come on, Sergeant." Jacob begged and sat his hands down firmly on Sergeant's desk. "Help me out here."

"Why are you into this case so much anyway, Perez?" Sergeant asked, furrowing his eyebrows at Jacob.

Jacob sighed and ran his fingers through his wild hair. "I just feel like this case wasn't treated like any other case, sir. The suspects went to court twice even though they were supposed to go on trial. Trial doesn't last just two court dates."

"Well, if you can convince the judge to reopen the case then you're good to go, but as for now.. I can't help you." Sergeant said, shaking his head slowly.

"Fine." Jacob sighed as he turned to the door. "Ill do this on my own."

He walked out of his Sergeants office in frustration. He knew that Craig killed Antoine, but he didn't want his brothers to spend their lives behind bars for it. He knew he sounded selfish because other people have killed before and had to go to prison, but he couldn't let his brothers stay locked in there when they had targets on their backs.

Jacob walked out of the police station and headed to his car. Once he got inside, he drove off to the courthouse. All he could think about was getting his friends out of jail.

He didn't even know Chresanto was in the hospital fighting for his life.

- - - - - - -

Craig woke up to the sound of the loud alarms sounding off. He sat up in his bed and yawned. The alarms went off when there was a fight happening. Either in a cell, outside in the yard or in the open cafeteria. Craig lifted off his bed and walked to his cell door to look out. He squinted his eyes at what he saw.

It looked like someone wrote on the wall with paint in the open cafeteria area. Craig squinted his eyes more to see in the dim light from the hallway. Suddenly, a guard came in front of him and told him to stand back. Craig put his hands up in surrender and stepped further back into his cell. Craig noticed that Ray didn't wake up when the alarms signaled.

"Ray!" Craig called out.

But he got no answer.

Craig furrowed his eyebrows and walked over to the bunks. He looked over at the top bunk where Ray was sleeping. "Ray?"


Craig was able to shake Ray to try and wake him up, but he got no response. Instantly, Craig's heart began to race as he became frantic.

"Ray, get up man!" Craig said sternly as he shook Ray again.

Craig grabbed Ray's wrist and felt for a pulse. He was still breathing, but barely. Craig lifted Ray off of his bunk and carefully sat him on the cold cell floor. He tried to revive him and get his heart rate back to normal, but it was no use. Craig stood up and ran over to his cell door.

"I need a medic!" He yelled in a panic tone. "Please! I need a medic!"

The odds of a guard actually sending a medic for a dying inmate were slim.

Ray's future wasn't looking so good.

- - - - - -

This chapter had a lot going on. I think I'll write a sequel to this if I have enough people who want one. So, tell me if you do. I have to have at least more than 90 requests for a sequel or there won't be one.

90+ votes and comments for next chapter!

Thanks for reading.

- Mckenzie.

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