Chapter 23.

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It was a few weeks until court and I was beyond nervous. I tried to stay as cool as possible but on the inside I was panicking. Knowing that I might be staying here until I get old and die scared me.

Ray and I went back up to our cell while the guards locked the door behind us. I was still thinking about what Ray said about the whole Kelsey situation.

"Ray." I trailed.

"Wassup?" He asked, settling himself on the top bunk.

"I don't know what to do, man."

"About what?" He asked.

"Me and Kelsey.."

"You want my voice of reason?" He asked.


He sat up, looking at me. "You've been knowing this girl for what? Almost two months? And now she's pregnant! Ashley just died and you've moved on.. I mean, I respect that but I think you did it for the wrong reasons. You barely know this girl. You've known Ashley almost your whole life."

"So what do I do?" I asked.

"I don't wanna control your life, Prod. Just do what you think is right.."

He was right.

"You right." I replied.

"I know I am. I'm Ray 2wice. I'm always right." He chuckled.

"What if I said I love Kelsey?"

"What? Nigga, take a nap. I know you're all about that 'Love at first sight' but NO! Kelsey is bad and everything but she don't know you like yo boys do. You shouldn't even want a relationship when you in here."

"What about you and Zonnique?" I asked.

"Zonnique gone always be my girl but with this situation, it needed to be over. If she was in jail, I wouldn't want a relationship.." He trailed.

"But I actually love her.."

"Craig, you THINK you love her because y'all had sex and she's pregnant with your child. That's not love! Y'all not even together. You know what I think the problem is?" He asked.


"You're still in love with Ashley but since Kelsey is here.. You think you have those feelings.."

"So I love Ashley, not Kelsey?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"For you to be smart, you're the dumbest nigga I've ever met.. You're worse than Chres! Craig, you love Ashley and you always will. You might have moved on Physically but emotionally you haven't. You think you love Kelsey because you're still on lone with Ashley." He finished.


"If I were you, I'd end it but you know it's not my decision." He said, laying back down.

He was right. It needed to end for many reasons but how was I going to tell her?

I laid down in my bed. The only thing to do was sleep.

And that's exactly what I did.


I woke up to the sound of Ray getting off the top bunk.

"Come on. We're going outside." He said.

Two guards came into our cell. I stood up, placing my hands together in front of me. He cuffed my wrists tight. They led Ray and I out of our cell into the double doors that led outside. This would be my first time being outside with inmates. Was I scared? Yeah. Simply because they are capable of anything. I had only killed one person and some of them had done murder sprees. Ha, I thought I was bad ass.

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