Chapter 29.

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Couple of chapters left!



2 months later...

4 months later...

7 months later....

1 year later...

Jacob never visited or called Craig or Ray. They really started to think Jacob bailed on them. Maybe out of fear or just because he forgot about them. Chresanto was more pissed at Jacob than anyone else. Jacob had personally promised Chres that he would take care of everything but he didn't.

It's been a year since Chres has seen Jacob.

Craig sat quietly in his bunk, blankly staring at the wall. This place was changing him and Ray could tell. Craig didn't feel like himself. He was lost. He hadn't seen his son in over a year, Kelsey came time to time but something seemed off about her. She hadn't brought the new baby to see Craig and he found that strange also, but he never asked her about it.

Ray was still the same ray. He was still positive and praying to God that we find a way out of this.

But that wasn't looking too good..

"Visiting hours.." A guard said as he opened their cell door. The loud clanks of metal ringing throughout the small room.

Ray jumped down from the top bunk while Craig was already at the door. They were cuffed and led into the visiting booth room. Craig sat down at the small table, the large glass wall in front of him. He didn't even bother to check who was visiting him.

He waited patiently.

Kelsey caught his eye as she walked toward her seat in front of him. She sat down with a smile on her face, "Hey Craig." She pressed the phone onto her cheek.

"Hey Kelsey." He smiled slightly as he clutched the phone tightly in his hand.

"How are you?" She asked.

He sighed, "Im holding up."

"That's good.. That's good.." She said.

"Can I ask you something?" Craig urged.

He really wanted to know why she became so distant and why he hadn't met his child.


"Why haven't I seen my child?" He asked.

She furrowed her eyebrows like she was confused, "Christian?"

Hearing his name almost brought Craig to tears. He was extremely lucky when the judge finally gave in and denied sending Christian to a foster home. He was able to stay with Kelsey while Craig was in jail.


She sighed, "Craig, it's not the right time to tell you."

"Tell me what?" He asked, growing concerned.

Her eyes glistened with tears as she remembered the horrific events that happened a year before..


"Please stop! Please!" Kelsey cried as she yanked her arms that were tied securely to the headrest of her bed.

Jay and Lucas' other friend, Perry smirked as they undressed themselves. Jay climbed onto the bed, his bulge fully visible in his boxers. Kelsey shut her eyes tightly.

'Please don't hurt my baby' she thought as she felt Jay forcefully yanked her clothes off her body.

She kept her eyes shut the entire time that Jay and Perry entered her repeatedly. They took turns raping her. She yelled out for Craig, Her mother, even Lucas but no one came to her rescue. Her pleads made Perry upset, which caused her to receive a hard slap to her face. After that, she cried silently.

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