Chapter 18.

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It had been a few days since I talked to Craig. I thought he would have been released the day after I talked to him but I guess the cops found something to hold him longer. I missed him a lot. I could only imagine what was running through his head. His wife is gone and now he's in jail for murder. Part of me wanted to believe that he was innocent but the other part believed he did it, simply because of the way he acted when I asked him. The tone of his voice changed. I didn't even know who the victim was because I was afraid to watch the news. I was afraid of what they'd say about Craig.

I had stayed in the house throughout the weeks. I had no friends because they all lived in different states, more of them went to college while I stayed back, watching after my big brother. Crazy huh? Me being the little sister, I had to watch after my big brother.

Speaking of him, he came flying into my house while I sat on the couch, playing with my phone. He had anger in his eyes, so I prepared myself for another one of his crazy stories.

"I don't want you messing with that nigga anymore!" He yelled, standing in front of me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at him like he was crazy, "What?"

"You heard me, Kels! I don't want you dealing with his bitchass!" He yelled, causing me to stand up. I pushed him away from me, anger rushing inside of me, "Don't talk about him like that! Do you understand me? You don't even know him, Lucas!" I yelled.

"Oh I know him more than you think!" My face dropped when the words exited his mouth. What did he mean by that?

"What are you talking about?"

"He killed Antoine!" Lucas yelled

I was in shock. "N--no he didn't!"

"Why do you think he's locked up huh? Didn't Antoine die weeks ago? Use your fucking brain, Kelsey! Stop being a dumb broad and open your eyes!" He spat.

I ran up to him, my fists flying everywhere. I hated him. I hate is a strong word but I mean it. I hated him so much! I swung, hitting him in the jaw. He immediately grabbed my arms, throwing me on the ground.

"Don't fucking touch me, you bitch!" He yelled, rage filling his eyes.

"I hate you!" I yelled, tears spilling out of my eyes. I pushed loose hair out of my face, taking deep breaths.

"I don't want you talking to him, ya hear me? Or it'll be trouble! I swear on Mom's grave!" He yelled.

I sat there crying while he continued threatening me. When he finally left, I pulled myself on the couch, finally braking down. Lucas had never actually put his hands on me before but when he did, he looked like he wanted to kill me.

How was I suppose to leave Craig when he needed me the most. He was going through a rough time and he couldn't go through this alone.

Thinking about what Lucas said had my mind spinning. Did Craig really kill Antoine? He had no reason to. Right? Maybe it was best to stay away from him. I had a feeling he was guilty of murder anyway, and maybe it was best for my safety to stay away from him.

My phone began to buzz around on the table. Whoever was calling, I really didn't feel like being bothered. It continued to buzz, so I finally reached over, tapping the talk button.



"Craig?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

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