Chapter 31.

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Hey lovelies :)

I don't know how long this will be but yeah, enjoy!


No POV . . .

Chresanto yawned as he walked into the jail kitchen. It was his duty once again to help cook breakfast for the inmates. He HATED this so much. For one, he didn't know anything about the kitchen and two, he didn't feel like doing it.

"Good morning August." Another inmate called out to him.

"Wassup." He said plainly, making a face at him.

"We need you in the back, August. You're doing the dishes today." The head cook said sternly.

Chres groaned. "This is bullshit." He mumbled.

He walked to the back of the kitchen and set out all of the plates. He grabbed all the plastic spoons and sat them down as well. The inmates weren't allowed to use plastic knives or forks because they were considered a deadly weapon.

The smell of eggs and burnt toast filled the air around him. He sighed as he waited for the inmate to help him place the food on the trays.

But what he didn't know was the inmate that was suppose to help him was silently watching him, waiting to make his move. The inmate held a broken, sharp plastic spoon in his hand.

"Aye, does anybody know where Jacobs is at?" Chres called out.

Nobody answered.

The inmate slowly approached Chres from behind. Chres smacked his lips and turned around. He was stunned to see the inmate behind him.

Chres' eyes went straight to the broken spoon. "What you doing, bro?"

"What you mean?" The inmate asked.

"You got that spoon in your hand and a crazy ass look on yo face, dawg." Chres said.

"I'm chilling."

"Oh.. 'Chilling', huh?" Chres asked.

The inmate stepped closer which made Chres take a step back. The inmate raised the broken spoon in his hand and charged toward Chres. Chres dogged him and moved over to the right.

"Aye, calm down man." Chres said in a scared tone. Usually he wasn't scared of anyone, but in prison, they didn't care about killings.

"Calm down? You must not know who I am.." The inmate said.


"Antoine Jacobs?" The inmate said.

Chresanto's eyes widened.

"Yeah, you remember him? He was my cousin. My homeboy Lucas let me know it was you and ya boys who killed him." The inmate said.

"Nah.. This is a mistake." Chres shook his head as he backed away from the inmate.

But the inmate charged at him again. This time plunging the broken spoon into his arm. Chres yelled out in pain as he fell onto the ground. The inmate's eyes searched all around the kitchen in search for something to finish the job. Chres cried out in pain as sweat built up on his forehead. He frantically tore the spoon out of his arm and struggled to get up. Even though it was plastic, his arm began to bleed.He ran to the front of the kitchen but was soon stopped by a group of inmates.

"Where ya going, pretty boy?" An inmate asked as he pushed Chres to the floor.

Chres clutched his arm as he fell to the ground. "Nowhere, man."

"Yeah.. You not." The inmate growled.

All the inmates immediately started jumping Chres. He used his arms to cover his head while they kicked, punched and stabbed him with things they've sharpened. Even though Chres called out for help, he knew nobody would come to save him. After what seemed like forever, the inmates were called to the front of the kitchen by guards. They all scampered away from Chres, leaving him on the ground while his life slipped away. His face was cut, bruised and bloody as well as the rest of his body.


Ray and Craig walked into the cafeteria in search of a empty table. They got in line, grabbed their trays and waited for the inmates to splat their food on the trays.

"Aye, have you seen Chres?" Ray asked Craig as they continued down the line.

"He said he had kitchen duty today. . ." Craig answered nonchalantly.

"But his shift is over." Ray continued. "He should be out by now."

He was right. Even though Chres had kitchen duty, he still got to eat in the cafeteria with everyone. They continued down the line and stopped at a table to grab napkins. One of the inmates that also had kitchen duty with Chres stood by the kitchen door.

"You seen August?" Craig asked.

"He's in there. . ." The inmate trailed.

That's when they knew something was wrong. Ray and Craig placed their trays down and walked through the kitchen doors. They saw inmates cleaning dishes, some swept the floors while others ate. As they neared the back, they saw a few pots and pans on the ground. When they hit the corner, they saw Chresanto laid out on the floor with his right hand over his chest. Ray and Craig immediately ran over to him in panic.

"Chres!" Craig called out as his heartbeat increased.

Chres groaned slightly as blood poured out his wounds. "What the fuck happened?!" Ray yelled. "Somebody help us! We need a medic!"

A Caucasian inmate ran to the back where they were. He stood there shocked with wide eyes. "Oh my. ."

"Call a medic!" Ray cried. He looked down at a dying Chresanto.

This was too familiar to Craig. He couldn't believe it. . . He had already lost his wife, his son and now his best friend. He looked at Ray, who was now crying as he sat there in shock.

"Stay with us, Chres. Come on man." Ray spoke.

Chres clutched onto his jumpsuit and looked up at him. "Don't let me die, please." He sobbed. "Please. Oh god. Please."

"We won't, man." Craig spoke softly. "Just stay with us." He stood up and ran out of the kitchen in search of a medic.

Ray continued to hold onto Chres as he spoke to him calmly, tears continuing to fall down his face. "Stay with me, Chres. Please. . . It's not your time, man."

Chresanto was in so much pain. He sobbed once he realized that this would be his last time alive. "Ray, don't let me die. Don't let me die." He cried, the blood from his face mixing in with his stream of tears.

"I'm not. I swear on my life, I won't. Okay? I promise man." Ray said, his voice cracking. His best friend was dying right in front of his eyes and there was nothing he could do about it.


This was short. Blah. . . I've decided to stay and finish my stories. Yay! But uh, yeah. The second part to this chapter is coming soon. I'm not really satisfied with this chapter, but .___. Eh. I wanted to post something.

Vote, follow me, share, and comment! Comments are nice and I enjoy and read every one. Thanks for continuing to read and want more from my stories. Gracias muchisimo mis corazones!

- Mckenzie.

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