Chapter 32.

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The medics rushed into the prison kitchen and lifted Chresanto's body onto a stretcher. Craig followed them all the way out of the kitchen until a guard grabbed Ray and took him to his cell. Not long after, they threw Craig inside as well. No inmates were allowed out of their cells after someone was killed, so they were all on watch.

Ray sat on the cold ground with his back pressed against the wall. Craig sat on the edge of his bed and sighed heavily, running his hands over his head.

"Tell me something, man." Craig spoke, looking up at Ray.

"I think he's gone.." Ray trailed quietly. His eyes never left the ground. "I don't think he made it, man."

"How could the staff let this shit happen?" Craig asked, the anger building up in his body.

"The guards and people in here don't give a fuck! Don't be surprised. ." Ray yelled in a angry tone. "It's been a year since his first attack and they didn't do anything that time either. That's just how it is in here, Craig."

They didn't know what to say.. What could they say? This was the second time Chresanto got attacked and this time.. His chances were slim.

"Jacob needs to get us out of this shit." Craig sighed, cupping his face in his hands. He was so stressed out that he couldn't even think straight.

"I'm so tired of this shit." Ray complained. "I'm tired of being here, I'm tired of lying to the police about what happened, I'm tired of us having a target on our back.. I'm just tired, man."

"Ray, don't start talking like that." Craig urged, looking at him. He was dead serious. He was tired of people around him getting hurt. He couldn't lose anyone else or he'd lose it.

A tear ran down Ray's cheek, but he quickly wiped it away. "Craig, you have realize something.. We're going to be in here for the rest of our lives, man. Do you get that? I'm 27 years old in a prison cell for manslaughter! Either I'm out in 15 years or the rest of my life.."

Craig looked at him with sympathy.

Ray continued. "And you wanna know the fucked up part? Zonnique is pregnant.. And guess where I'll be? Sitting here while she'll be a single parent raising a child that I'd never see."

Craig felt guilty. He knew it was all his fault that they ended up like this. He was just so hurt when they took Ashley away from him.. He felt like he needed to something, but that ended in one of the killers dead and one free, waiting for revenge. Lucas wasn't just going to forget about them killing Antoine. He was going to make sure they paid for what they did.

With Lucas being a successful and respected drug dealer, he knew almost every bad person in the city of LA. Not to mention everywhere else. He knew people inside and outside of the prison. Which explained why Chresanto paid two visits to the hospital already. It pissed him off how Chres survived the first time because he was sure they stabbed him more than enough times, but Chres was a fighter.. But the question that everyone was wondering.. Would he survive this attack? And why did Lucas wait a year to attack Chres again? This one being more brutal and severe than the first one. Not only did the inmates jump him, but they slashed and stabbed him with makeshift knives. They stomped on his face, kicked his spine several times, stomped on parts that shouldn't be stomped on and broke his right arm.

"I just wanna be done with everything." Ray spoke quietly as he looked up at the ceiling. Ray had always been the stronger one out of their small group, but now he was broken. He missed his family, Zonnique.. Just being at home. He didn't even think life was worth it if he had to spend his time in a dirty ass cell for the rest of his life.

He wanted out.

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Meanwhile, Kelsey walked into her small apartment with Christian. He walked slightly ahead of her and put his backpack on her couch. Even though Christian had been living with her for a year, she was still awkward with the whole "mom" figure type thing since she never had to take care of a kid before.

"What do you want for dinner, Chris?" She asked.

"Pizza!" He cheered happily as he put his small backpack on the couch.

She laughed and shook her head at him. "Pizza it is then.." She walked into the kitchen, leaving Christian in the living room.

Christian was officially 5 years old now and in Kindergarden. He was getting along great at his school and seemed to have no problems. Kelsey was always worried when Lucas came around her and Christian because she didn't want him to suspect anything. When Lucas first asked her who Christian was, she simply told him that he was her friend's son that she had to look after for a while. Lucas never questioned it, but Kelsey could tell he was suspicious. She couldn't just tell him that he was Craig's child because all hell would break loose.

She took out the frozen pizza from her freezer and sat it on the counter. She walked over to the stove and turned on the oven, then walked to open the wrapped pizza. Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands hold onto her shoulder. She froze in her place, images of the night Lucas' friends raped her filled her mind.

But she relaxed when she recognized her brother's laugh. "What's up, baby sister?"

She turned to face him and narrowed her eyes, glaring at him. "What do you want?"

"You act like I can't come and visit you." Lucas spoke as he leaned against the counter, eyeing her closely.

"You never do, so why now? What do you want?" She asked as she glared at him. Lucas usually only came back for all the wrong reasons; asking her for money, a place to stay, etc.

"I had to take care of some business. Why are you so mad?" He asked as he scrunched his face up in confusion.

"Lucas, you have no idea what I've been through this past year because you haven't been around. What kind of brother just leaves their sister by herself?" She shook her head at him.

"Whatever. You're alive right? Damn. Stop being selfish. You're the one who told me to leave you alone and give you space because you're "grown" right?" Lucas smarted.

He was right. "Whatever Lucas."

"And who's your friend?" He asked.


"You said that the little boy was your friend's son.. What friend?" He asked as he eyed her closely. "I don't remember any of your friends being pregnant or even having kids."

"You don't know her." Kelsey said quietly. She placed the frozen pizza into the oven and closed it, ambling over to the fridge soon after. "And why do you keep bringing it up and asking me? I told you he'd be here for a while, so deal with it."

"Hm." He said simply.

Kelsey didn't know that Lucas knew more than she thought he did.

Kelsey felt nervous under his stare, but it broke when Lucas' phone started ringing. He dug into his pocket and soon placed it against his ear. Kelsey couldn't help, but to listen to his conversation.

"Hello?" Lucas answered. "You did?......did you do it right this time?.......what hospital?.........what about the other two? of them has a kid......"

Kelsey furrowed her eyebrows as her body tensed up. Was he talking about Craig right in front of her? And why was he talking about a hospital?

"I'll be there......aight.....peace." Lucas finished. He placed his phone back into his pocket and sighed.

Kelsey didn't know what to think, but she was going to find out soon enough.

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I'm sorry if this chapter is boring, but this story is coming to an end SOON, so yeah. I honestly didn't know what to put in this chapter..

Thanks for reading.

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- Mckenzie.

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