Chapter 22

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Morning Arch. Joy! Jane greets her as soon as she enters her office.

Morning Jane...she greeted back as she puts down her belongings on the table.

Mr. Kim hasn't been calling lately...her assistant said in a wondering tone as she walk towards your table and put the coffee she made for you. You are not sure whether she is informing you or she just plainly utter it.

You pause for a moment as you just then realize what Jane said.

You did not notice it as you were tied up were works the past days. Now that she said it, you then realize he has not been calling you for how many days now. You cannot remembet exactly when was the last time he called nor message you.

Its almost a week now since his last message as you checked your phone.

Arch. Joy, Mr. Johnson is on the other line...Jane informed you as you were caught up with him in mind.

Thanks you accepted the call from Mr. Johnson

And just like that, you suddenly forget about the things you have in mind a while ago.

You were preoccuppied the whole day that you forgot that you are about to message or give him a call.

You have been a lot busier the following days that you totally forgot about him.

Since you are now preparing for one of your major project that might happen this year.

Joy, mom and dad told me that you are too busy to visit them? It was her sister whose calling as she answered the call as soon as she arrived home.

Yes unnie, been too busy lately since i am preparing and working on one of my major project before this year replied as you put down your bag in a sofa and sat down beside it.

Don't immerse yourself in work too much that you almost forgot to take care of yourself...Ella reminding her.

I am taking care of my self, don't worry sis...she assured her. I will visiting mom and dad this continue to tell her.

And your conversation with her goes on and on as she keeps on reminding you to take care of yourself.

After almost half an hour talking with your sister on the phone finally you can start reviewing your design again.

You can't waste any more time as you want to finish the design you are abou to submit next week. You really want to get the project that is why you are giving it your all as it is one of your greatest dream to construct a stadium.

Most of her projects were buildings and houses. If ever she is lucky enough that her design will be chosen, it is her first time for a stadium. And she's been looking forward and praying in winning the projet.

It will be her one greatest project as an architect if ever.

After a month of working too hard finally your hardwork paid off, as your design was chosen for the stadium project.

It wasnt't easy winning the project as many great and well-known architects have submitted their designs from other companies and countries.

Congrats Arch. Joy...Jane happily congratulated you as the meeting ended.

The meeting just announced that your design was the one chosen.

Everyone congratulated you and Mr. Foster book a hotel for dinner later as a celebration.

Finally Arch. Joy you can now relax and breath...Jane continue as you sat down flat in your chair.

Yeah replied to her as you deep sigh and stretch your arms.

You spent your week off in your parents home. Since they've been complaining to your sister that you are not visiting them.

I am so happy you have time to spend to was her mom who is so happy as she serve the tea while they are in the garden relaxing.

Just finished the project i am working on that is why my boss gave me a week said to her as you sip the tea she served.

That's good to hear.. it was her dad.

You just give him a smile.

Joy, have you watched the news about Taehyung?  It is her sister on the other line as she answered her phone.

What news about him? You just plainly ask.

He's dating Jenny, member of Black Pink....Ella said on the other line.

You still there? It was her sister as she did not get any reply from you. As what she said does not sink in yet. what about it? It's just natural for him to date i said as if trying act cool about it.

I thought you and him are in somewhat in a it was Ella whose puzzled and wondering as it seems to her that it is just nothing to you whether he is dating.

Oh sis, you are just assuming things. Tae and I are just friends just like the other BTS said as you casually tell on her.

Ohhh, i thought--- Ella was about to say more but Joy stop her by cutting her words.

Sis, have to go now. Mom is already calling just said even if it isnt true that your mom is calling you.

You just want to stop her from asking nor saying anything more. As you cannot answer whatever questions she ask you.

You look in a vast sky as a lot of thoughts running through your mind all of a sudden.

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