Chapter 10

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Not again?! blurted out.

As her sister showed her the news. This time her face is clearly seen. Not just one photo of her but few photos with Kim Taehyung of BTS.

A photo of her in the fan meet, in the cruise and in the restaurant which was just last night.

Why you were always together in those photos?.. Ella confronted her.

You were puzzled and stunned as her.

Aunt Joy why are you dating my V? suddenly Hana enviously exclaimed. She just came back from school.

No-no. I am not dating replied to her defensively.

How can you explain those photos? Her sister said with a doubtful look.

I don't know how and who took that photos. But really, there's nothing going on between us. I went on a cruise the other day and i happened to see him there... you explained with conviction. Even you, yourself were confused and shocked. While Hana just silently listening and looking at them.

Don't tell me your photo with him in the elevator of that restaurant was also a coincidence? her sister, still not convinced by her explanation.

I swear, it was...she said with confidence because it was really a coincidence.

Her sister just look at her still doubting if she was telling the truth.

If it's you Taehyung dating then im fine with it... out of the blue Hana blurted out smiling.

No, no baby i am not... shaking your head a you heard her say those words.

What are you going to do about it then?.. Ella asked full of worries and concerned.

I don't think they will waste their time on you try to ease your sister's worriness

Don't go out for the time being. Lets wait until it disappeared...Ella suggested.

Ok... you instantly replied for her not to worry more.

You look at the news and read some comments. A lot of comments were negative. Such as:. you're seducing Taehyung, you're a stalker or saesang etc.

You smiled out of absurdity of those comments.
It doesn't affect you at all because you knew the truth.

You make yourself busy by cooking and baking the few days. Hana enjoyed everything you cooked for her.

Aunt Joy, Hybe's released a statement about your issue with V... Hana exclaimed with excitement on her face and tone.

You smile looking how excited she is.

Go read you are busy baking some pastries for her.

The next day the photos of you and Taehyung suddenly disappeared from all social media and on the other entertainment news. Only a day has passed since Hybe's released an official statement confirming that  V has nothing to do with you and it's was all a pure coincidence being in the same place at the same time, which is the truth. And now everything was taken down.

You and your sister felt so relieved knowing about it.

After three days staying at home you decided to go jogging around the village.

You have been jogging for an hour when you felt tired and decided to take a rest in the park.

You felt uneasy all of a sudden. There were only few people since it's still early.

You looked around but haven't seen anyone looking at you. They were all just like you who had finished to jogged and taking a rest.

After a while you just ignored it and decided to go back.

You continue to visit the places on your bucket list.

You dont't know but you felt odd and uneasy the whole day. Its as if something's not right.

Maybe i am just thinking too much.. you said to yourself trying to dispel the uneasiness.

The last destination on your itinerary for the day is the Dongdaemun Design Plaza. For an architect, there is no greater joy than seeing a masterpiece like the Dongdaemun Plaza. It is on numerous list of the architectural must-see's in the capital city of Korea. The building is iconic and actually the largest atypical architecture. Zaha Hadid was behind the Dongdaemun, a British Iraqi architect and winner of 2004 Pritzker Prize. If majority of people went there for shopping, she went there to enjoy and take a look the magnificent architecture of the building.

She's been too immersed admiring the building that she lost track of time. If not for her sister's call she wouldn't notice the time.

She's busy talking to her sister on the phone going to the parking that she did not notice that there's someone following her. Since her attention wasn't on her sorrounding she was easily caught off guard by sudden attacked of her attackers. The attacker pulled her hair so hard that some strands of her hair was removed from her scalp

She cannot move as her body stiffened due to shocked. She felt an unbearable pain causing her to wake up from deep shocked. She shouted and screamed fo help. Fear and terror starting to creeps all over her body as she grasp  on the situation she was in.

She tried her very hardest to turned back as her attacker attacked her from the back but to no avail.

When she heard a sound of a car starting engine she screamed at the top of her lungs to ask help.

Luckily she was heard by the owner of the car and instantly stop infront of her and help her from her attacker. But her attacker pushed her toward the person who just got out from the car. And in a flash her attacker was gone.

Are you ok? asked the stanger full of concerned.

T-thank you...she said stuttering while her body is still trembling with fear. She slumped on the ground as her legs felt so weak and a fresh tears falls from her eyes.

Lets go, i'll take you to the hospital miss.. he offered as he felt pity on the girl slumping on the ground and trembling. She cannot see the face of the girl because her head is bending down.

No words from her. He waited for her to calm down. He knew what terror the girl had experienced. He started to tap her back as if asssuring her that it's ok now and she is safe.

After a while he noticed, her body was not trembling so hard as before and she started to calm down a bit.

No, thank you. I am ok now... she said as she slowly get up and look at the person who saved you.

You both were dumbfounded and wide-eyed seeing each other unexpectedly.

The once you who were trembling in fear and terror a while ago suddenly felt safe to see him.

He insisted on bringing you to the hospital and police station but you refused. You're not hurting anywhere except for your scalp.

You dont feel the need to report it to the police station as you already have an idea the reason for the attacked. That is why you refused his kindness as it only might worsen the situation for you specially.

A long discussion with him before you persuaded him that you can drive yourself home and you dont need to go to hospital or police station. But he did not agree that you refused him on following your car as you drive home. You felt so grateful to him, because deep inside you still feel unsafe and scared after what happened.

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