Chapter 33

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You were surprised to see Taehyung outside as you open the door.

Oh Tae! Did you left something? You asked in astonishment as you let him in.

Here...he said as he gives you a plastic bag. It's medicine for fatigue and stress and some energy drinks.

Oh thank you! You shouldn't have bothered said as you get the pastic bag from him.

Anything more? You ask as you really wanted to rest and sleep that moment.

Let me rest for a while. I'll just leave after...he said as he sat down on the couch. agree easily as your eyes and body are now really heavy

You flopped down your exhausted body on the other couch and in a split second you fell asleep.


He can't take his eyes off of her.

He slowly went over to where she was lying.

You chuckled seeing how exhausted she is. As you noticed that she didn't even wash up and change her clothes.

You removed the hair covering her face.

Ohh, stop it..i am so sleepy! You heard her speak still eyes close in a low and weak voice.

You were about to stand up as you decided to leave, but she is holding your hand. You try gently pulling your hand from her grip but she will moan and will only tighten her grip on your hand.

You just then let her be and decided to sit down beside her on the couch.

Joy's mind is already awake but can't seem to open her eyes. She still feel tired and a little disoriented. Her left arm felt numbed, its as if there is something heavy laid on it. She also felt a hot air blowing and touching her face.

She slowly tried to open her eyes. Shocked, surprised and puzzled as she saw who was lying beside her.

They were almost face to face to each other. His nose already touching her left cheek. His head resting on her left arm, making it his pillow.

The warm air coming from his nose tingles you. You feel your cheeks hot and becomes red as your eyes landed on his lips. He has a plump and luscious lips.

How does it feel to be kiss by him? You felt excited with that sudden thought.

You shrugged your head to dispel the unwanted thoughts running in your mind.

Stop fantasizing ! You scolded yourself mumble as your left arm was now aching and numb. You can't get enough courage to wake him up as he was soundly and deep asleep.

You can't help to smile seeing him sleep like a baby and you really find him sexy with his messy hair.

You were startled with his sudden movement. You didn't know what to do if you will pretend to be asleep or you will wake him up.

You chose the latter as his nose now brushing your face and one more move you two might ended up kissing. You will feel guilty if that happens since you are the one who is fully awake. And it seems you taking advantage of him. said as you tap him as you distance your face from him.

Finally Taehyung wakes up after a few attempts.

Oh, sorry! He said in an apologetic tone. He felt a bit awkward as he stood up and seated on the couch.

Are you ok? He asked worriedly as he noticed that you were massaging your left arm.

It's just a bit said to him even if your arm was really numbed and tingling with pain.

He just suddenly grab your arm and start massaging without saying anything.

Despite being surprised for what he did, you just let him massage your arm.

You felt soothed and relieved after a while.

Thanks! It's a lot better said feeling relieved.

How did you end up sleeping here?...she asked after awhile as she can't remember. She was too tired and exhausted to remember it.

I didn't know exactly...maybe i just fell asleep without me knowing it...he said trying to avoid her gaze.

You just nodded when what he said.

Thanks for the massage. You can stop said as he still continue to massage your arm.

You are about to stand when he pulled you without warning and you ended up on top of him.

You were so shocked that your body stiffened. Your eyes were glued on his face. You feel your heart beating to its highest speed that cause you gasping for some air. You face stay still as you saw him crossing the gap between your face. Then you just felt his lips touching and brushing yours. His lips were warm and soft. His started to gently and softly biting your lower lip. As if your lips has its own mind, it parted slightly giving him full access.

As much as you don't want to end the kiss, you are left with no choice because you are almost out of breath.

You suddenly push him too hard causing his head to hit the arm rest of the couch.

O-o a-i'm uttered while panting as you gasp for breath.

You just saw him rubbing the part of his head that hit the sofa. Suddenly you felt guilty. said as you were about to touch his head but ended up touching his hand instead. As his hand were already touching his head.

Your two eyes met again.

Stop! You exclaimed as you cover your lips with your hands in an instant as his face getting closer to yours.

He smiled seeing what you did and your reaction.

You try to get away from him as fast as you can as you felt your face reddened.

Taehyung left astounded as he look at her as she entered her room.

After a while a wide smile formed in his lips as the kiss they shared played back over and over in his mind.

A smile suddenly appeared on your lips as soon as you entered your room. Your heart feels like its going to burst out of your chest as you put your hand into it.
A tingling of emotion as the kiss rerunned instantly in your mind.

That was one of the best and heart-fluttering kiss you ever.

He's undeniably a good you complimented and giggled on how good he was in that aspect.

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