Chapter 29

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You sure you'll be ok here? You ask in a worried tone.

He'll be sleeping in the couch since there's no more available rooms in the hotel where you are staying.

He doesn't want to stay in other hotel as well.

Yes, i'll be fine here. I am more comfortable and safe staying here than in the other hotel alone...he said in assuring tone.

Does the other know you're here?

No, i didn't tell them i am going here.

And why's that?

I just don't want them to worry about me.

How about Jenny, does she know you're here?

Yeah, i guess..he replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

Then i'll leave you here. I have a video meeting with my said then you went to the balcony. You preferred the fresh air and warm weather in the balcony. It is relaxing and refreshing.

He just follow you with his gaze as you walk towards the balcony.

He can't take his eyes off  of her. She seems mighty and all when working and unbothered with her sorroundings as her full attention is on her work.

Out of curiousity as to see who she is have meeting with, you slowly walk over her and simply peek at whom she's talking too.

She is too focused on whoever she is talking on her laptop that she doesn't mind him.

After a minute of listening to her, you decided to walk towards the end  corner of balcony.

You take a deep breath and closed your eyes as you feel the cool air of summer night. Your attention is now focus on the vast black sky night teeming with bright stars.

You feel at peace at that moment. All worries and whatever troubles you had the past day seems to fade away. You haven't feel at peace for a very long time except now.

I personally get great satisfaction and feeling of peace whenever i look up at the night sky...a voice behind you that made you back from your wandering thoughts.

She stood beside you as her gaze fixated on the night sky. You can feel her so relax and at peace as she look at the sky with full of admiration can be seen on her face.

I never thought you are the type of person to appreciate the night uttered as you look again to the sky.

Only by looking at the night sky i can feel at ease. The exhaustion of the whole day of work can easily be swept away the moment i look at it...she explained as her face beamed with peacefulness.

A very different side of her. As he just saw how tensed and exhausted she was on her work.

You smile as you see her enjoying the night sky.

The moon is glowing brightly and shone like a silvery claw in the vast night sky. It seemed like smiling to them, as if they are two lovers under the moon.

Why you are still not dating anyone? A sudden question from Taehyung that surprised you.

I've watched some famous people were showing their interest to date he go on speaking.

As if it's that easy and simple to date...she said in a serious manner.

You cannot just date a random person just because he showed interest in dating me..she continue as if explaining to him.

What qualification should a guy must have, for you to date him?..he asked with eagerness to know her qualification.

I don't know..i am not particular with that qualification or said as you really doesn't have anything in mind.

Have you ever feel attracted to any guy even before? Or you find him interested? As he goes on asking her.

She tried hard to think about what he asked.

Ah i her face lighten up when she said those words.

It's you..she said without hesitation.
I find you too handsome and she continue with a smile curved on her lips as she said it.

Taehyung was surprised as he heard it from her.

He knew that even before. But what made him surprised is that there is no one aside from him that caught her  interest into dating. Despite the fact that there were some guys who openly showed interest in her.

Does it mean until now i am still your choice to date?! He asked in a teasingly tone.

Woah, so full of yourself Mr. Kim huh! She exclaimed as she gave him a death glare.

"Did" meaning past...she said emphatically.

He laugh loudly with what she said. But still it made him happy knowing that he was the one and no one after him.

What if, just what if i am single and not dating will you consider dating me?..he seriously ask

Hmmm, well i might or might not...she answered half heartedly as she knows he was only testing her.

Come on, i am serious here.

Your handsome, attractive, charming, have a great sense of style and most of all you're super rich so why not..she said as she teases him and give him a wide smile.

If i am like that why you didn't date me back then? Now he asked with all seriousness and Joy noticed it.

I was about to, but out of the blue your calls and messages stopped. Then i watched in a news that you were in a dating scandal. So what's the said in all honesty.

Its true you were about to say yes to him back then. But then he was caught in a dating scandal with Jenny.

He was surprised to hear it from her. It never crossed his mind that she will say yes. During that time he thought she was not into him even a tiny bit.

Why you didn't let me know? You should've message me or call me back then...he said feeling guilty and apologetic at the same time blaming her.

As i have said, what's the point of calling you if you were already dating someone replied emphatically.

He just covered his face with his two hands.

A feeling of guilt, regret and other emotions are rushing through him at that very moment.

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