Chapter 38

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All of a sudden your phone rang that made you back to your senses from that magical event.

Where are you? Sorry we didn't able to answer your call... it was RM on the other line as you answer the call.

I am here inside the stadium already... you said in a cheery and excited tone.

Come here in oir dressing room since its our break... he said inviting her.

Oh, would that be ok? You said with hesitation.

Before she can refused one staff of the stadium has approached her and whisper something on her which she nodded.

Glad you made it! Rm said feeling happy to see her as he gave her a hug.

Yeah, fortunately! you said back and gave him a wide smile.

Tae's resting inside. Lets go in! RM said teasing her as he notice her looking around. He knew very well who she is looking for.

No, no.. you refused promptly his invitation as you don't want to bother their rest.

I should go back now. You too should rest.. she said to him and before she went back to his chair she ask a favor from him.

Aftee 30 minutes of break BTS were back on stage again.

Hello Army!.. RM shouted as soon as he walk in the stage. The crowd replied with a loud screaming as they shouted RM and other members name.

I love you Army!! Jin followed as he shouted from the top of his laugh. The venue has been filled with non stop screaming from their fans.

Wow we got lots of banners here..RM suddenly said as he noticed a lot of banners were holding by the fans.

Would you help me V read each every banners? As he asked help from Taehyung which he nodded.

V started to read a loud every banners. He's almost out of breath as there were lots of banner.

I love you too Army! he shouted afterwards as he finished reading the banner one by one.

The crowd gets even more wild as Taehyung said those words.

V you have missed to read one banner... RM said as he pointed out one small banner in a hand written.

It is said " Will you date me Tae?"... RM read it so loud that everyone's attention is now in that direction.

V walk towards the banner that RM pointed. It was hand written and so small to noticed in that kind of crowd. He squinted to see clearly the girl that is holding it.

Can you please give some light here... RM asked the lightning staff as he pointed to the girl's direction.

Everyone's attention inside the stadium were now focus on that girl with "will you date me" banner as they are now all curious on how she look like.

You were a bit curious because  RM seemed like to pay much attention to that one small banner. As it is nothing compare to the other huge banners.

Hi! Can you please put down your banner?... Taehyung politely ask as he cannot see her face as it has been covered by the paper she's holding.


Goodness gracious! I should've not done this!.. you said to yourself as if regretting it. As you've caught everyone's attentions inside the stadium.

That is the most nerve-wracking moment you've ever been as you slowly put down your banner that you're holding and covering your face. Any minutenyour face will be revealed to him and to all the Armys.

You are sweating profusely and your heart is pounding so hard that almost defeaning you

The moment your eyes met his gaze it's like your sorrounding stop and the crowd in an instant vanished. The loud screaming of fans stopped as you only hear the beating of your heart. Your mind goes blank but you feel like you are going downhill on a rollercoaster.

A mix of ecstacy, terror and amazement as you describe your feeling at that very moment.


The moment your eyes recognized her you froze and dumbfounded.

You saw her nervousness and embarrasment all over her face. As she slowly lifted her face and her eyes met yours a sudden twitch of electricity runs through you. You wanted to cross the gap between you that very moment and captured her in your arms.

For a moment you feel like you are the only people in the stadium.

Wow! That's a brave confessions Miss! RM shouted that made back to their senses. The crowd went to on screaming again.

Taehyung felt RM's hand on his shoulder and as he looked at RM, he smiled and gave him a nudge.

Now Taehyung understand why RM's gave a big deal out ot it. It's because he already knew it was Joy from the beginning.

We are now going to perform our latest single " Boy With Luv".. Suga said as he pulled Taehyung to the center of the stage.

As the song started to play everyone's sing along with them with their fans non- stop screaming.

They gave their all in their performances. They made sure that everyone will be happy and satisfied as their fans deserved it.

Fascination and admiration can be seen through the crowds.

As Joy watched their performances she felt overwhelmed as she always caught Taehyung looking at her direction constantly.
He will wink and smile sweetly that she cannot deny that she was captivated by him and she felt her heart will jump out from her chest anytime he do that. Luckily the lights were dimmed so the people around you won't notice how your face was so red.

Thank you Army! V shouted again as he is facing on her direction again. His will look at her direction everh now and then as he speaks.

We hope you all enjoyed and had fun during our concert.. he continue.

He seemed counting from his finger as he first lift one finger, then four and then 3 as he said these words. "To our Joy" as he wink.

He's about to say something but RM suddenly stopped him.

Thank you and I love you Army! RM shouted.

Then whispered "You're too obvious" to Taehyung.  While the other give him a teasing look.

Taehyung just have RM and the other a smile.


She feels so blissful and fortunate to be able to experienced that magical event. As she look around the whole stadium her heart is filled with happiness as she can see on their faces the satisfaction and happiness as well. She felt so proud for the boys. That is one of the most memorable and magical moment she ever had.

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