Chapter 39

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Taehyung was feeling so down and lifeless as he entered their dressing room. The energy he had during their performance suddenly dropped to negative level.

Why she didn't waited!? He said as if asking the others but more to himself. As he dropped his body on the couch with his shoulder slumped.

Aren't you coming with us?.. Jimin asked. They were all done changing into casual clothes and they were about to greet some of their important guests and fans.

But Taehyung didn't even move.

Just follow us there.. RM said as they all now walk towards the door.

Taehyung shut his eyes as soon as he heard the closing of the door.

He realized just now how exhausted and tired he was adding the disappointment he had feeling as he didn't expect her to just left just like that.

Your eyes where shut but your mind is wandering into oblivion.

The past days you have been trying to avoid anything related to her as you wanted to move on and start afresh. You even trying your hardest to ignored her calls and messages as you turned off your phone.

But why all of a sudden she appeared with that banner? She's already dating. Is she just messing with me?.. those are some of the questions that making your head throbbing in pain. You are so confuse right now.


You have been knocking outside the dressing room for quite some time but he is not answering.

You knew he was inside as you already talked to RM and the others.

You decided to go in as you are started to worry that he might be feeling not good or something happened to him.

You felt a sudden pity for him as you saw how he slumped in the couch. Tiredness and exhaustion were visible in his handsome face.

You immediately walk towards him as you started caressing his face and gently removing the hair that almost covering his face.

Suddenly he grab your hand that caressing his face but his eyes were still closed.

You flinched with his sudden action. You stopped for a moment and observed him.

You thought he will wakes up but he just continue to closed his eyes as his hand still holding yours.

Tae! You whispered to his ears.

Suddenly Taehyung wakes up as a warm air touches his ear. As his ear is so sensitive that he can easily feel if someone touches it.
He was flabbergasted to see Joy as he opened his eyes.

He was speechless.

Aren't you happy to see me? Joy asked feeling anxious as he noticed he was not saying anything.

I've been calling and sending messages yet not even once you replied nor answered me... she continue in a melancholic tone.

Are you alone? Where's Jay?.. Taehyung asked that caught you off guard.  His expression changes suddenly into stiff and dejected.

Yes i am alone. Jay's not with me he's in Jeju.. you replied as you frowned as you try to read him. You cannot fathom why he's looking for him.

He let go of your hand and compose himself as he seated properly.

You were puzzled with the sudden shift of his emotions.

What's wrong? Are you tired? I can just leave... you just said to him as you sense that he is not in the mood.

Good thing he let you come here and watch our concert...he said fainting a smile instead of answering her.

Why would i need his permission to come here? you asked back feeling so confused and puzzled.

Can you stop talking in riddle. Because i can't get what you're trying to say here... you said a bit irked as he made you confused with his words.

He's your boyfriend that is why he have all the rights...he replied trying to hide the bitterness and somberness in his voice.

Wait? What? Jay is my boyfriend? you exclaimed full of confusion.

Wow! Why i was not informed about that? .. you said sarcastically. A smirk formed in your lips as you find it absurd.

I saw you hugging infront of your place the day you were discharge from the hospital...he said as if explaining to her.

As i have suspected.. you said to yourself as you look at him intently while he's trying to avoid your gaze. You want to laugh so loud but you try hard to hold back.

Oh so that was it! From that moment you already concluded that we were dating? she continue feeling like a lawyer questioning  a suspect.

He just nodded as a replied. You noticed him rubbing his hands.

You smiled as you felt the you're in the upperhand. You felt pity for him but you don't want to end the play yet. You are just starting to enjoy it.

So whenever you see two person's hugging you already assumed that they are dating or boyfriend and girlfriend? as you continue your play script.

He suddenly look at you, feeling puzzled, confused and caught off guard.

He was stunned and tongue-tied. He doesn't know how to answer her question.

You laugh so hard that made him confused even more.

You can care less as you let out the laugh you've been holding back.

You're so cute Tae..she said in between her laughter.

Jay and I are not what you are thinking. We're just plain and simple you started to explain. He's eyes brighten and his face lighten hearing you said it.

He is now facing you and looking at you intently.

Why did you two hugged then? he asked, back to his gloony face again.

Are friends aren't allowed to hug? you asked back at him.

It's not that...but you and Jay should not do that.. He said in a jealous tone.

You laugh at his statement. Taehyung being jealous is the cutest thing on earth.. you said to yourself.

Actually, he did confess his feelings to me during that you stated telling him the story behind those hugged.

Then? He said eagerly as he wanted to know the  full story behind it.

Ok just listen and stop interrupting... you said as you give him a smile.

Really? He already knew that he will reject him but still confessed to you? . What a man! Taehyung exclaimed with admiration towards Jay.

Yeah, he's a good man really!.. you said as you praise Jay.

If you're praising him like that why you rejected him? Taehyung ask with jealousy and confusion.

If only our eyes can decide and not the heart... you simply replied to him.

You Are My DestinyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora