Chapter 14

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It's been three days still no progress with their plan. They've been together for three consecutive nights but no signs from her attacker. You felt so frustrated.

Cheer up! Don't stress yourself about he noticed you've been feeling down the whole day.

I replied trying to smile at him.
Though you know it is impossible to find the culprit in just a short time. You only have four days left that is why you feel so frustrated.

I'll get us a drink, wait for me here..he stand up and went to the nearest kiosk.

They were in Cheonggyecheon. They always change places every night to make sure that the culprit might not get an idea that they were only setting it up to lure whoever he or she is.

They chose the crowded place this time hoping that the culprit might show up if its crowded. The places they've been the past days were not crowded as this.

Her body seems like sensing something and its making her uneasy. Its as if someone's watching her.

She immediately told him about it and he assured her that nothing is gonna happen to her. She should just act normal and casual to not alarmed the culprit if ever she or he was there right now.

Someone suddenly caught her attention.
She tried to act casually and be calm as she whisper it to Taehyung about the person seated three tables away from them.

As soon as Taehyung made a call the person in that table hurriedly stand up and run away in a flash.

They can no longer find the suspicious person as he or she already blended in to the crowds.

The next day they reported it to the police so they can gather some footages that might help identify the culprit that they suspected.

After 2 days, the police got a lead about that person. She is now in the police station to check if it was the one who attacked her. She can only identity the culprit through the voice.
Because during the time she was attacked, the culprit attacked her from behind so there's no chance for her to identify through his or her face.

As soon as you heard the voice of the suspect you immediately told the police that it's not the same voice of the one who attacked you. Because the voice of your attacker was same as to a woman voice while the one's inside has a baritone and manly voice.

But you noticed that there is something off about the man inside. You decided to show up in the interrogating room just to make sure about your hunch.

Hi! I'm Taehyung's girlfriend... you said as soon as you see the suspect face to face.

The moment the suspect heard what you said he suddenly gave you a death glare. His calm face became agitated.

Ah excuse me officer i have to accept this call. It's from my boyfriend Taehyung... you said emphasizing the world boyfriend Taehyung.

In just a flash the suspect has flared up.

Leave Taehyung alone! He's only mine. You bitch! You seduced her!...the suspect shouted full of angered toward her in a woman voice.

She cannot help to let a smile form on her lips as a sign of victory. The suspect has been caught through his own mouth.

Finally! You said to yourself as you take a deep breath and. smiled to Yeri. You just came out from the police station.

Only Yeri came with you though Taehyung and the other wanted to come but Mr. Kim and Bighit didnot allow them as it will only create a buzz.

Woah really she said it? a surprised  look of RM as Yeri narrated what hapoened in the police station.

Yeri nodded while she was just listening in the corner feeling embarrased. While Taehyung smiling and listening to Yeri's story.

Anyone who can hear those words from Joy will for sure believe she is Taehyung's girlfriend..Yeri continue while laughing.

I have no other choice than to provoke said defensively

Yeah we know. But how did you find out that he's just faking his voice? suddenly Yeri asked out of curiousity.

I noticed that whenever he speaks he is too cautious and he will pause as if there is lump on his throat.. as you explained to them

Ah so that is why you provoke him so that he cannot keep his cool and will speak uncautiously... Yeri said being enlightened as to why she did it.

You did a good job...Taehyung commended
and give her a thumbs up.

You can be an investigator Joy... Jimin said with smile all over his face.

The other also commended and complimented her.

After a few days the other victims has been summoned to the police station to identify the culprit behind their attacked. They all identified the suspect as the same person who attacked them and he was sent into prison after that.

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