Chapter 17

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Meanwhile, the social media and the news channels were in pure chaos after the news of the idols gone missing was published.

"What do you mean that you are not going to pay the ransom?"

Suga slammed the table and stood up. Namjoon didn't stop him. Why should he? His brothers were stuck in some building and these fuckers were saying that they wouldn't pay the ransom??!

"We are sorry. But...."
A voice cut off the company official.

"I was the one who told them not to pay"

They looked at the person who entered the room. A tall middle aged man. He adorned a pair of rimmed glasses and wore a  large trench coat.

"And who are YOU?", asked Jihoon.

"Well, let me introduce myself. I am Mr. Kim. I am the detective, who is in charge of this case"

"So you are the one who is in charge of the case. Are there any updates on the case or not??", asked Hoshi.

"We are still looking into the case. But as I was saying, if we pay the ransom, the kidnappers wouldn't just leave the idols"

"What do you mean?"
To say Suho was confused was an understatement.

"Kidnappers don't just leave the victims just like that. After getting the money, they might either kill the idols or...." The detective trailed off.

Namjoon raised his eyebrows. "Or what?"

"Or they might sell them in the black market for extra money"

Chills racked through everyone's spines. Selling their brothers? In the black market? NO!!!

"But if we don't pay the ransom, won't they hurt the idols?", asked Minseok.

"We will have to see..."
His voice was cut off when a police officer practically flew inside the room.

"Sir!! Sir!! We have got tipped off by someone. They think that the idols are in Busan!!"

"What?!? Send the search teams immediately. I am coming right away" commanded Detective Kim.

"We are also coming with you", said Suga.

"No you aren't. It's dangerous in there" The Detective spoke sternly.

"They need us. We won't just sit around. We need to see our brothers. We will just sit in the car", retorted Suho.

The detective sighed and then hesitantly nodded.

They all immediately got ready to leave.


As they ran, they saw yet another staircase leading them upstairs. They took the stairs and slammed the door opened.

It looked like a normal house, except normal didn't have scary basements in it.

They all ran around. The place was huge with multiple corridors. They all got confused as to where the exit was.
'How many corridors does this house have? Is this a house or a maze?' thought Dino.

There were men chasing after them.

Taehyung turned towards them.
"I will distract the men. You all find the exit and escape from here."

Jungkook shook his head.
Before he could say anything else, they heard men yelling. They needed to do something FAST.

"Please Kookie. Listen to hyung and run away with them", Taehyung practically begged and then took off running towards the other corridor.

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