Chapter 26

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All of the BTS members were sitting on the sofa, eating noodles. After the whole kidnapping thing, they all were doing their best to relieve the maknae of the stress and trauma. They were all worried for Taehyung but they also needed to be strong for Jungkook.

Jungkook was huddled with Yoongi, while the other whined about the close contact but everyone knew that he was secretly happy.

The doorbell rang...

Jungkook immediately flinched as he was still very paranoid.
They all looked at each other in confusion. Namjoon stood up and asked in the voice intercom.
"Who is it?"
The answer came instantly.
"It's me!! The security in-charge of your floor."
Namjoon squinted his eyes.

"Why are you here?"
"We have to take you out of this area. There is a threat for you in this area. We need to take you to a more secure place."

Namjoon looked at the others.
Yoongi came forward and nodded at him. The others also started nodding.

Namjoon opened the door. Several guards dressed in all black with guns entered the room.

Namjoon bowed to them as the others followed.
The guards nodded at them. Then one of them, who seemed to be the leader spoke up in a playful way.
"Well... Well..."

The sudden change in tone alerted the idols.
Jin took his phone from the sofa as he started dialling '911' as soon as he felt that there was something fishy.

But a hand shot forward and snatched the phone away from him. A huge crash was heard as the phone laid there damaged, near the wall. The intruder then proceeded to slap Jin across the face.

His face snapped to the side with the force. Stars started floating in his vision as his consciousness flickered for a while.

A growl was heard. It was Yoongi.

He was seething at the sight of his hyung getting slapped. He threw a punch on the guy who did the offense. Another guy came forward but he was also punched in the guts. Soon Namjoon also joined in the fight.

It took almost 5 men to tackle Yoongi and Namjoon down. The others were easily overpowered by the men.

The leader of the men growled at Yoongi as he slapped him across the face. Yoongi spat at the former's face after recovering from the slap.

"You bloody bastard!!! You all are no guards, right?! You fuckers!!"
Yoongi kept on swearing at the men. Namjoon, who usually was known as the calmest person in the group in difficult situations, was also panicking.

The leader then punched Yoongi in the guts which made him gasp for air.

"Yes!! We are not those fucking guards!! Wanna know where they all are?! They all are dead and are rotting somewhere!!"

Everyone flinched at the mention of dead bodies.

The leader then took Jin in his grasp as he pointed a gun to his temple.

Namjoon immediately tried to defend him but was overpowered instantly.

"Please leave him!! What do you want us to do?!" Namjoon asked the masked man.

The guy nodded towards the floor in front of him.
"Get on your knees in front of me instantly!! No smart or funny moves!!"

They all scrambled to get on their knees as they didn't want their hyung getting hurt or anything.

After they all kneeled in front of him, he pushed Jin towards another guy who also put a gun to his head. Then the leader moved towards Yoongi.
"Sooooo... Where is the fiesty cat?? You seemed so angry and strong, hitting my men. Where is that fight, huh?"
He then kicked Yoongi. The latter gritted his teeth as he didn't want the guy to have any kind of sick satisfaction.

The kicks continued on. Yoongi was heavily panting as he grunted after every single hit.

Then the leader became bored so he left him alone. Then he proceeded to circle the members, checking out every single one. His eyes fell on Jungkook.

"Oh look at who we have got here!! Our Kookie!! Why did you leave us all?? We missed you so much!!"
The man sounded like a complete psychopath. The members shivered at his tone.

Then the man lowered his voice and resumed his talk.
"Do you know that your beloved TaeTae is suffering the consequences of your actions?!"

Jungkook's eyes widened. He started shivering as he broke into cold sweat.

The guy continued, "And no!! Not the type of punishments you saw when you were there!! Our tortures have levelled up"

Jungkook was completely horrified.

What could be worse than almost whipping someone to death?! He thought.

The others were also having an inner turmoil.

The leader revelled in the fear that those doe eyes showed. The he straightened up a bit to look at the others.
A certain person caught his eyes...


The guy stalked towards him and grabbed his chin. He then proceeded to inspect his face. Jimin was completely still as he let the guy do his inspection. He was terrified and surely didn't want his hyung to suffer the consequence.


Another man came forward.
"What are you thinking, boss? Who shall we take?"

The leader nodded his head towards Jimin.
"He is pretty and would make some great cash. He would be perfect for our purpose. Let's take him!!"

He then pointed towards Suga.
"Take that bastard too. I am gonna make him regret ever being born. I am not finished with him."

Then the men proceeded to take both Yoongi and Jimin with them. Hobi looked at Namjoon. He was furious at the men but more at himself as he failed to protect his members.

After both of them were dragged outside, the leader scoffed.
"What a pity!! I wanted to put a bullet into someone!! I still have time, right?"

No one could process what happened after that. It was just too sudden. They only heard a deafening sound.

Jin opened his eyes to see a pool of blood splattered around.

Hobi looked around as he tried to process what was happening. He felt a searing pain in his abdomen. He touched that region to only find his hand getting all bloody. His vision blurred as he saw figures moving. He could hear voices but couldn't fathom what they were saying.

"Stay awake"
He could only hear those words. Unconsciousness hovered over him as he succumbed to the darkness.

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