Chapter 28

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The members of TXT were taking care of Yeonjun. He hadn't woken up. He was still in coma.

They were all extremely worried. Yeonjun's family had been visiting him consistently in the hospital. His mother had become inconsolable. She had taken the other boys under her care for the time being.

At the moment, a figure sat there all alone, looking after the unconscious person.

Soobin was sitting besides Yeonjun, holding his hand. His chaotic nature was nowhere to be seen.

"Please hyung, please wake up... I need you hyung... I need your support...", said Soobin.

He looked at the vulnerable figure who was connected with multiple tubes. An oxygen mask was put on his face. A tube was connected to his hand with a drip on the other side. There was something yellowish in the drip which provided him with nutrients. Yeonjun had become extremely frail and vulnerable.

He heard a small tiny knock on the door. He mumbled a quick 'come in'.

A small figure with wolf cut hair, peeked inside.


Soobin ran his hand through his hair as he addressed the other.

"Beomgyu? What are you doing here? You were supposed to be at home..."

Beomgyu slowly entered the room. He glanced at Yeonjun and then looked at Soobin. 

"Hyung, you have been working hard. You have been looking after him for two days continuously without any break. You also need to take care of yourself"

Soobin hummed as he kept his eyes on Yeonjun.

Beomgyu continued.
"Hyung, I will take care of him. You need to go and eat some food. And of course, you need a shower and a change of clothes. You are a mess right now. I will take care of him. Don't worry"

Soobin shook his head.
"It is my responsibility, Beomgyu. Let me do it. I want to be here for him"

The other sighed.
"I am not telling you to stay away from him or anything. I am asking for you take a break"

Soobin again tried to retort but he quickly shut his mouth as soon as Beomgyu gave him a deadly glare.

The former sighed as he nodded his head. "Ok, I am going. You better be here all the time. I don't need any problem. Call Taehyun or me just in case"

Beomgyu simply nodded as he patted the leader's shoulder.
Soobin then went out of the room, sparing a last glance at his elder hyung.

Beomgyu took his place on the seat which had just become vacant. He held Yeonjun's hand. He couldn't believe that such a thing was happening to them. He knew that the career of an idol comes with lots of risks. But never in his life did he imagine that it would be to that extent. He regretted his life decisions for a second but then shook his head.


Yeonjun would have hit him for thinking like that. He needed to think positively.

As he was reminiscing about his hyung's chaotic nature, he heard a knock with a "May I come in?"
Beomgyu replied with a "yes".

A cute male nurse entered the room with a tray. It contained various assortments of fruits and a bottle of water.
The nurse gave Beomgyu is sweet little eye smile.

Beomgyu looked at the fruits as his stomach grumbled. The nurse gave out a laugh and then placed the tray on the side table. Beomgyu had not eaten his meal as he couldn't bring himself to eat when his hyung was sitting there, starving himself and taking care of the eldest. But seeing the fruits, his hunger returned to him in full force.

The nurse then started cutting an apple. As he was cutting, he started talking to Beomgyu.

"I saw you all taking care of your friend all day long. You all starve yourselves a lot, so the doctor told me to keep some fruits here for you"

Beomgyu just gave a small nod. He took a small slice of apple offered by the nurse.

The nurse smiled as he proceeded to cut another set of apples and also started peeling tangerines.

Beomgyu continuously ate the fruits. The nurse kept on talking. Beomgyu was thankful to him for breaking the silence in the room. It felt more lively.

The guy stopped talking after a while. A comfortable blanket of silence covered the room. Beomgyu continued munching on the juicy tangerines.

Beomgyu felt thirsty so he drank the whole bottle of water. It was wierd that he felt thirsty after eating such juicy fruits. He then helped the nurse clean the peels.

Then he initiated another conversation with the nurse.
"What is your name?"

The nurse looked extremely surprised that Beomgyu was the one who started the conversation. Then the nurse returned back to his eye smile immediately.

"My name is Daehwi. I know it is the same as an idol but I am not"

The conversation went on. Beomgyu felt comfortable around the nurse as he was quite sweet and cute. They talked about random things and their interests.

Then he felt it. A sharp pain in his lower head, near his nape.
He ignored it. It was quite common for him to get headaches. It would always go down after a few seconds.

He again resumed the conversation.

Instead of going down, the pain just increased. The pain went from his lower head to his nape and then started spreading towards his spine. Then the pain also started spreading at the crown of the head to which it proceeded to his temples and forehead. It felt like someone was ripping him from the inside. It felt as if hot lava was flowing through his veins and millions of needles were pricking his temples. For a second, his life flashed in front of his eyes.

He tried to tell the nurse about his dilemma but he couldn't speak. It was as if he was mute. His jaws felt sore and numb.

He saw the nurse's eye smile dissolving into a smirk.

Beomgyu's mind became foggy as confusion engulfed his mind.

Why am I feeling like this? Why is Daehwi smirking? Beomgyu thought.

Then he saw Daehwi moving towards Yeonjun. He removed his oxygen mask and moved away. Beomgyu's eyes widened as tried to stand and fight him but he was paralysed. He couldn't lift a finger. Yeonjun's breath faltered due to the lack of oxygen.

Daehwi smirked again.

Then it clicked...

The fruits and water...

There was something mixed in it...

He was a fool...

Two more nurses entered the room with a wheelchair and a patient's gown. Beomgyu felt himself being lifted and undressed. The next moment he was in the hospital gown and he was placed on the wheelchair.

Beomgyu's head was covered with a surgical cap and a mask was placed on his face, then he was wheeled out of the room.

Then everything was a blur for him.

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