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Gracie is too tired to make dinner which upsets her so Austin carries her straight to their room, closing the door behind them. Ava would make dinner or even busy herself with washing and putting away the fruit but she knows Austin would be angry at that so she walks around the house popping her head into random rooms. It's a big house and screams money but, Gracie has decorated it in a way that's warm, inviting, and even humble. Each room feels warm and cozy, it's so far removed from the party house she and so many fans thought it would be. This is anything but. It's a family home, a place for Gracie to be happy, and a place for Austin to feel like a normal person - it's peaceful. The walls are lined with photos of family and close friends, there are cute trinkets from romantic holidays and pictures painted by children, either from Gracies once pupils or children from the family photos she has seen.

She stops by the display cupboard and looks at all Austin's music awards, there are tons of them. He too seems to have the ability to turn to gold whatever he touches. Then there in the corner of the shelf is the skunk card Gracie had made him, sitting proudly next to the first award he ever won. Ava suspects if told he could have only one treasure from this display cupboard it would be that card. "She is sleeping, she gets tired quickly these days," Austin says suddenly from behind her. Ava clutches her chest and spins around. "Fuck, you scared me," she says. "You shouldn't snoop then. I am making dinner. My father phoned to say they are coming around for a visit," he says then turns and walks into the kitchen. "They come around often?" Ava asks walking behind Austin and then sitting in one of those kitchen chairs as he starts to pull out stuff to cook for dinner. Why he is taking out carrots and milk? Post Malone cooking dinner - she never thought she would see the day, only, he is not Post Malone here - just Austin.

"Sometimes I just want to lock those gates and hide us away from the world, huddle in our bed, just the two of us. Bank a million memories before she..." Austin says, his words drifting off as he starts peeling the carrots with a knife, losing large chunks as he works. "She won't let me. Says that I need to keep my family close...she is worried I will fall down a black hole and never climb out of it so, yeah, they come often," he mumbles to her, or himself, Ava is not sure. It's nice having family rally around you but, it can be hard too. They try too hard and sometimes they do more damage than good. Ava still battles with her mom, she stressed a little too much which only made Ava stress too much. She had been Ava's rock after Carter, but it was all too much and their relationship is strained - she treats Ava like a shattered piece of glass.

Austin is quiet as he goes about making dinner and the words Gracie had said earlier pop into her head. Gracie hired her to relieve Austin of some duties but, she has a bigger plan. Is she hoping Austin having Ava around will soften the blow of her loss?  She does not think so - Austin does not see Ava, she does not think he has seen another woman since he laid eyes on Gracie and she is sure Gracie knows that. She does not think Gracie would cheapen their relationship to feelings of lust, it goes much deeper than that for Austin and Gracie. Besides, Ava would not be able to take part in something like that - she still feels very much married to Carter. Till death do us part are only words. She plays with Carter's wedding band that she has hung around her neck with a string and looks up discreetly. I miss you every day, my love, she whispers in her head. No, she does not think that's what Gracie's plan is.

Austin checks in with Gracie constantly and just before dinner is ready he walks back in with her. She is smiling. "Oh this smells wonderful," she says as Austin helps her onto a chair. "He is a great cook, Ava, we are in for a treat," she says. Austin has had to redo the rice and carrots after burning them and she saw him putting mayonnaise in the mashed potatoes, and milk in the peas so she is not convinced. But, Gracie's excitement about the food he is preparing is enough to make Ava look forward to Austin's meal.

She had been right, the mashed potatoes have a slight sting to them, the carrots are over done lumps, the steak is charred and thankfully there are no signs of the milk peas - but, Gracie compliments each tiny bite she takes as Austin watches her like a kid who has just made a shitty gift for his mother. "Steak is a bit burnt though," he says. "But charcoal is very good for your stomach and mine has been feeling a little upset lately so this is perfect," Gracie says cutting another piece of steak. She can draw out the best parts of everything.

"You don't have to eat it, Ava," Austin says as she tried to swallow a clump of lumpy mash. "It's good, maybe you should switch from singing to cooking," Ava says. Austin rolls his eyes and Gracie giggles. "He could do both, Austin is very talented," Gracie says. "You have too much faith in me, baby," he says taking her plate when she pushes it away, she has only managed to eat just under half. "No, I have the right amount of faith in you," Gracie says. Austin shakes his head fondly at her then opens the medication cupboard and takes out her pills. There is a lot and the air goes thick as he places them in front of her with a bottle of water. It takes her at least ten minutes to take them, taking one or two at a time and then a break - it's clear she is not a pill taker this is a battle she goes through five times a day. Austin is patient with her, standing by her side quietly as he rubs her back, never getting annoyed or trying to hurry it up - he is never in a hurry when it comes to her.

Austin's ringing phone sends a stark reminder that this little haven of a home sits in a world that is still busy, it still spins, no matter how much he wishes it would stop.

"What's up, Dre?" Austin answers it and places it on the speaker.

"Hey, man! I just got out of the meeting with the label. Not good news - they are pretty insistent that you make that appearance down here in LA. I am sorry, man, I tried to get them to wait...you know...just to wait a bit."

"They are being real assholes right now."

"Can't agree more man. But, I did manage to cut it down though. It won't be for a full week, only two nights...but, uh, I was thinking...is Gracie up for travel? We could get her all set up down here, nice room, comfy bed and I will wait on her hand and foot while you are busy."

Austin's eyes shoot up to Gracie who gives him a sad smile. "She...she can't make it back from the orchard unassisted anymore..." he says quietly and his face pulls as if every word was painful to say. The air is thick and the silence is heavy that follows. Gracie feels like a burden, Austin is desperate and Dre is just trying to take in Austin's words. It seems Gracie and her beautiful heart have a private little place in everyone's chest. Eventually, Dre clears his throat and Ava can hear by the way his voice has turned soft the news has hit him hard.

"I will go back. I will go back to them and I will fight until they back off. What they are expecting is not right. They can fucking wait."

"No...you must go," Gracie says suddenly. It's quiet as Austin stares at Gracie, his head shaking. "Is that my Gracie? Hello, beautiful girl," Dre coos. Oh yes, Dre adores her it's clear from his voice alone. "Hello, Dre," Gracie says with a little laugh. "Baby, I can't leave you alone," Austin says. "But, I won't be alone. We have Ava now and she will look after me. I know she will do her best and you won't have to worry," Gracie tries to convince him. "My career is not important right now," Austin says. "But, it is. It's your passion and you need to keep focused on it. It will be what you cling to after I...just after. I know you, songwriting is where you find comfort and I don't want you to push it aside because of me. This silly tumor has stolen so much already...please," Gracie all but begs. "I need a moment," Austin says taking his phone and walking out.

Yours Truly, Austin Post - Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now