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Ava hums as she walks around backstage. Gracie has had a hard few weeks, her Summer days dwindling but, today Ava had woken up to a Summer day and a very excited Gracie. You would swear she was meeting Post Malone for the first time given how excited she was for the concert today. Gracie is without a doubt Post Malone's biggest fan. Ava had left Austin and Gracie alone in his dressing room - that passion of theirs in full swing, they needed a moment. But, like Austin, Ava finds herself not wanting to be away from Gracie for too long. She has grown to love Gracie very much - it was inevitable given Gracie's beautiful spirit. So she wanders back to the dressing room. When she gets close to the dressing room, however, she can hear Austin and Gracie in a debate while Dre stands by the door trying to hide his chuckle.

"I said no Gracie."

"Oh, but-"


Gracie pouts then her face lights up when she sees Ava. "What if we ask Ava's opinion?" she suggests. "Ava will take your side. She always takes your side," Austin says with a roll of his eyes. "Well, Dre can give his opinion too. We will take a vote," Gracie challenges him. "He will take your side too. Everyone takes your side. They're biased," Austin says snaking his arm around her waist and kissing the back of her neck. "Why don't you give us the benefit of the doubt?" Ava asks. "Ok, go on baby ask them," Austin challenges with a knowing smirk.

"I want to watch the show while in the crowd. I don't want to be on the side of the stage - in the crowd like a fan because I am a fan and I want the full experience."

"Fifty thousand people are coming, baby."

"I know! Isn't it wonderful! You sold out the entire show within thirty minutes of opening the online sales! You are amazing and I am very proud of you!"

"Thank you, my baby, but-"

"I will stay with her. I will look after her," Ava says cutting Austin off. "I will put them right up against the barricade, right where you will be able to see her and I will put two bodyguards right next to her. Any problems and they will just lift her over the barricades," Dre says. Austin rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Thank you for ganging up against me, truly, thank you all so much," Austin says rolling his eyes again. "It was only a matter of time till you said yes. Don't act like you have the power to say no to that wife of yours," Dre says, Ava nods. Gracie turns around and looks up at Austin with big pleading eyes. Austin sighs, he has lost this fight and he knows it. "Ok. But, you have to be careful, lil mama," he says.

Gracie squeals and hugs him. "I will, I promise," she says kissing him then pulling away and grabbing Ava's hand.

"Come on!"

"Where are we going? The show does not start for a while."

"Merchandise, Ava! We need shirts, hats, bags, all things Post Malone!  Oh, and I saw a girl selling glow sticks!" Gracie says trying to tug Ava out of the room. "No, I said yes to the show baby but you stay close to me till then," Austin says. Gracie huffs then pulls out her phone. "I will keep you on face time, pleeeeeease," she begs bringing out those big doe eyes - Austin is fucked so he sighs again and pulls out his phone too. "Ava, stay close to her," he warns. "Come on, Ava, before he changes his mind," Gracie says pulling Ava out as her phone rings and Austin's face pops up on the screen.

They stand in line for the merchandise, Gracie excitedly pointing out people who have dressed up or have signs or are just happy to be here. When they get to the front of the line Gracie buys herself and Ava, bags, hats, shirts, and key rings. "Oh look! They have cell phone covers! I am going to get one and have him sign it after the show!" Gracie says excitedly. She gets one for Ava too then kisses Austin's picture on the phone case and holds it up for Austin to see while she giggles. Austin chuckles and rolls his eyes fondly at her antics. "Enjoy the showgirls," the lady says as she rings them up. "We will, thank you! We are very excited!" Gracie says. "I saw the girl with the glow sticks just outside the stadium," Gracie says.

"Gracie, no," Austin's voice comes through the phone. Gracie holds the phone up and gives him those big doe eyes again - they get him every time.


"Yes, sir I know, stay close."

They walk out quickly, rushing to the girl with the glow sticks. Gracie buys a bunch of her dam glow sticks and then they rush back inside after Gracie has made necklaces and bracelets out of them for her and Ava. Dre waits for them at a side door and ushers them in then shows them where to stand just as the doors open and people start filling the stadium, rushing to try and get a spot close to the barricade. "Ooooh, they're coming!" Gracie exclaims with little jumps of excitement. Gracie's excitement is solely based on how much everyone loves Austin - she loves every person that rushes through those doors simply because they love Austin and his music. If that's not selfless - she does not know what is. In a matter of seconds, it feels like a million people descend on them, all giddy with excitement. "Is this your first show?" Gracie asks the girl beside her. "Yes! I have been dying to see him live and you?" she asks. "No, I have been to a few. You are in for a real treat! He is amazing!" Gracie says with genuine excitement. Ava chuckles to herself, Gracie is in full fan mode.

"This is my second show and I agree! His shows are the best," someone else says. "How long have you been fans?" Gracie asks turning to a couple behind her. "A few years now. We met when one of his songs were playing so we have a personal love for him," the guy says. "Oh, that's so romantic!" Gracie squeals and looks at Ava, Gracie is beaming - brighter than the glow sticks around her neck and Ava finds herself swallowing a lump in her throat. Gracie could be here with an air of arrogance, not wanting to muddy her pretty dress with the likes of fans. She could be rubbing the fact that she is Austin's wife in their faces. But, instead, she is taking joy in hearing why they love Austin and how excited they are to see them - she is one of them. She makes friends with everyone around her and within seconds they are all intrigued and captivated by her. She asks them a million questions and they all happily answer back. Ava finds it a little amusing that they don't know that the beautiful excited fan they are talking to is Post Malone's wife and the love of his life, they also have no idea that Post Malone is listening to everything they are saying as he sits hidden on her phone.

"Oh! What are you guys doing?" Gracie asks a group of girls near them. "These are face paint markers, we are drawing tattoos on each other. Do you want one?" one of the girls asks. "Yes, please! I would like a little pink heart right here," Gracie says pointing to the side of her forehead. After the girl is done Gracie hugs her then Ava has to take a group photo of them. One day if it ever comes out as to who Gracie is that group of girls will have an amazing treasure. "Everyone is taking selfies with their best friends, we should too, we are best friends," Gracie says then looks down at her phone Austin is watching her as he walks to the steps at the back of the stage. "I love you," he mouths to her. "I love you too," Gracie whispers then cuts the call. Gracie takes about a thousand selfies with Ava just before the stadium lights start to dim and the music takes over. Ava's heart nearly stops when Gracie screams and waives her arms around along with all her new friends. "Oh!  Here he comes, Ava!" she shouts. When Austin appears on the stage Ava does not watch him, not once. She is too captivated by Gracie. Gracie is singing and dancing to every song, letting everyone know with each new song that that song is her favorite. Turns out all his songs are her favorite. Her new friends are happy to follow along with her insanity and eventually, Ava finds herself joining in on Gracie's contagious excitement. Gracie holds up her phone, making videos and taking photos of Post Malone like every other fan while Ava takes videos and photos of Gracie - Austin will want to see how he makes her eyes light up and her smile sparkle.

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