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Austin had been right, the first leap is always the hardest, always the scariest - but it gets easier with each passing day and soon they settle into an almost seamless lifestyle. As if it has always just been this way. They fall into a routine without much effort - Austin always gets up first, waking up Grayson and getting him ready for school. By the time Ava gets to the kitchen, it's a mess of breakfast and school lunches. Grayson makes his school lunch and Ava's too now after convincing Austin it will help with building responsibility but it's just because they are tired of picking eggshells out of their egg salad or biting into a cheese sandwich that still has the plastic on it.

Ava takes Grayson to school now because it makes no sense for Austin to as she is going there too and they always listen to the morning joke on the radio during their drive to school - it becomes something that belongs to her and Grayson, courtesy of Carter.

Their evenings are spent at home, in the kitchen or down in the orchard, and then later in the den until their eyes grow too heavy and they pad down to their bedroom - Austin always seems to make it to second and third base with a large grin. Ava is starting to feel a little bad because their intimacy feels like it is all about her, but Austin only shakes his head and rattles off that all the best sportsmen are strategic and patient, he does warn her though that when he does finally hit a home run she best hold on tight - it will be loud and messy.

Austin plans his trips and tours around the school holidays so he can have Ava and Grayson with him. His last tour found them as far away as Australia and New Zealand - it was epic. Austin is still firm on keeping Grayson and Ava out of the spotlight which Ava likes because it allows for fewer restrictions for her and Grayson, they can live pretty normal lives. They can walk around parks and shopping centers without anyone batting an eye. She avoids the media like the plague and finds herself going straight into defense mode when they are around. But, for the most part, they are only interested in Post Malone so while he keeps them busy Ava and Grayson can slip by unnoticed. The fans have cottoned on that he has a woman in his life but apart from a handful of fans who saw them holding hands one night coming out of a nightclub after an event and one too many wines for Ava - Ava is still relatively unknown. Just a woman in his team for the most part.

"I am happy they don't know me. I like the privacy it brings but, it's weird to think there is this whole piece of your life I am not even in, it was the same for Gracie - it's like we don't connect to you in that world - it's just weird to think about."

"When was the last time you looked at a photo of Post Malone?"

"I look all the time. Much less than when I didn't know you and was just a fan, but I look."

"I mean looked, looked?"

Ava stares at him with a slow blink, she's not stupid she knows how to look at a photo. Austin laughs and rolls his eyes at her then grabs his phone and pulls up a few old pictures of himself as Post Malone. "Ok, now look carefully and ignore me in the picture, look deeper," he says. Ava frowns and scans the photo then a smile breaks out on her lips. She can see Gracie sitting at a table behind him. He pulls up a few more and after she looks carefully she either sees the back of Gracie, or her hand, and in one photo is just her handbag on a bar. Then he shows her more recent ones and with a giggle she sees her leg in the corner of the photo, there is even one with just the top of her head peeping out behind his shoulder as she hides behind him.

"It's all smoke and mirrors, Peach. You should know by now that even when people don't see someone it does not mean they are not there - Gracie and now you are tangled up in every aspect of my life. Just the way I like it."

Their family is around often, BBQs and family days, and any major holiday will see them all together - mostly at Austin's house as it's big enough to hold everyone. When everyone starts to refer to Austin's house as Austin and Ava's house, Austin has to pat her back and give her a moment to sit with her big feelings - the peach pie Grayson makes for her helps too.

"It's ok, Peach, just take a moment to let it sink in...may I have some of that pie?"


Her mother is also included in the family days and even when it's not she pops around. She has become a common guest in their home and Ava feels the separation she had caused between them slowly close as they grow close once again. Grayson has stolen her heart and calls her Angel Sue which only serves to melt her heart and defend him viciously if Austin has to give him a bit of growling or she spoils him rotten with new puzzles and toys and she is never far off with a cuddle either. She is still convinced Austin is a gangster as she can't comprehend any other reason for all the tattoos, rings, and cars. This only serves to have Hope crying with laughter at the thought and reminding Austin that he just does not have the swagger required for a gangster life. His brothers try and convince Sue that he is just a really bad singer that made it big on pure luck. But, then Dre will always fuel Sue's theory by calling him Boss and speaking in made-up gangster code to Austin around Sue.

"Hey, Boss. The job you commissioned is done."

"You mean the album release?"

"Is that what we are calling it now? Ok, well then the 'album release' is done."

"Why did you use air quotations with your fingers when you said album release?"

"Please don't feed me to the fish, Boss, I have a family."

"Oh, Austin! He has a family!" Sue says distraught. Austin sighs as Hope practically rolls off her chair laughing and Ava has to stifle her giggle. "Sue, I am not a gangster," Austin says. "Austin, I know you can not incriminate yourself as you never know who is listening," she says pointing discreetly to the speaker in the ceiling. "It does not matter who you are as long as you are fair and kind, give Dre another chance...for his family," she says. Austin sighs again and shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Please, Austin," Ava begs, she can't help herself. He pops his head up and gives her a pointed look as she shrugs, biting her bottom lip to hide her grin. "Fine. Just go away now, Dre," Austin says now chuckling at how ridiculous this whole situation is.

"Oh, thank you, Boss. You won't regret this!"

"Go quickly, Dre, before he changes his mind, and use this second chance to reflect on your life choices," Sue says. Dre grins and ducks out of the door.

"Sue, I am not a gangster," Austin tries to convince her for the hundredth time. "Of course not!" Sue says and points to the speaker again with a wink. "And anyway, I don't care what you are - you have made my daughter whole again, you have helped repair our relationship and have given me Grayson - as far as I am concerned you are a saint...no matter what you do for a living," she adds.

"I am never going to be a gangster Angel Sue," Grayson chips in.

"Of course not. You are a perfect child and such a good boy," she says cuddling Grayson. "I can't win!" Austin says throwing his hands in the air and walking out of the kitchen in defeat. "Hey, it's Austin's birthday soon...mind helping me out? I want to plan something special for him," Ava whispers to Hope. "Sure, just tell me what I need to do," Hope says with a grin.

Yours Truly, Austin Post - Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now