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As you were writing an article caught your eye.

'Mass murder takes place in Ohio, Columbus'

The true crime lover in you bursted from curiosity as you opened the long ass paragraph.

"Damn bitch, that's a lot of words. Too bad I'm not gonna read em' " You grin as you open youtube and search for that special golden someone who uploads videos about any possible crime, hoping to god you found them.

Just as you entered 'Ohio mass murder in Columbus' hundreds of videos were loaded in as you clicked on the most promissing looking one.

"Columbus, the main city in Ohio has on July 14th been struck and is now haunted by a vicious murderer who refers to himself as 'Jeff the killer'. The identity of the murderer has yet to be revealed to the public—" you didnt hear what the person in the video started saying after but something in you scred to make sure all the possible enterances into the house were secure and locked.

You walked through the house, checking all the windows and the front and back doors. "Dear? Are you alright?" Your mom asked, concerned for your safety.

"I'm fine, just heard there's a murderer on the lose in town at the moment, y'know.. just wanted to check everything for just in case" You smile, glancing into the room and seeing your (y/s) laying in their crib, sound asleep.

"Oh my! It's a good thing you did, thank you. I'll tell your father to install some better security after he gets home from the interview for the new position" Your mom said, sounding stressed.

"It's gonna be fine, there's like around a million people in this city, it's a one in a million chance something will happen to us tonight necessarily. I'm sure waiting just one day with minimum security will be fine." You reassured her and offered to help her make dinner.

Cooking always fascinated you, even though you could make a few pretty standard and basic meals you still took every opportunity to learn the recipes your mom cooks for the family. Most of the time you sit to the side, noting down the process in a small cook notebook your mom bought you since you wanted to write the recipes down SO desperately.

Time passed rather quickly, your family enjoyed a nice warm meal you made almost on your own this time. Your (o/s) said they'll be leaving tomorrow morning since they need to go back home to [y/c/n] since they still have to prepare the baby room for their child. You were kinda bummed that your only sibling that you could actually talk to without them drooling all over themselves was leaving. But whatever, you still had your phone and could face time, call or text them at almost anytime.

Soon after dinner you did the dishes and walked up the stairs into your new room. The attic still remained untouched and you were gonna keep it that way until you figure out a look that you'll give it. At the moment you'll leave it be but you wanted it to be your reading corner where you read all your nasty fanfiction for sure.

Flopping on your bed you stare out of the window, realizing it was raining and thundering. You loved it when it rained. The soft pitter patter of the water drops on your window, calming and relaxing you as you dozed off into a peaceful sleep.


These chapters are probably gonna be longer/shorter then the originals because i forgot where i was cutting the chapters at. (i just remember leaving u all on cliff hangers A LOT)

Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now