CH. 50.

919 39 6

You made it to the hotel after a 20 minute bus drive, sure you had to also walk for a bit but that was nothing. Sending a text you let Allan know you were already at the hotel, waiting for them at the front desk.

"(Y/N)!! My man!" You heard Allan's cheery voice call out, turning around you were faced with a familiar boy with hazel eyes and curly dirty blonde hair. "What's up Al!" You greeted him with the same amount of excitement.

"Nothing much, c'mon we're about to head out, we found a really lit bar and we made reservations for one of their party rooms at 6pm!" He wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he led you upstairs to where the rest of the group was at.

"Guys, (Y/N) is here!" he called from the entryway of the hotel room. He urged you forward as he closed the door behind you.

"(Y/N)!! Gosh I haven't seen you in forever!" A girl jumped up from her sitting position on the bed, running up to you and suffocating you in a tight hug. It took you a second to realize that the girl was your former friend, from what you remembered she was kind of the mom friend of the group.

"Sasha, hey girl!" You greeted her back, slightly pulling away so you weren't being suffocated anymore. She looked stunning, after she got off you a few other familiar people walked up to greet you, as you all sat down you began to talk about how life's been.

"Ughh we have 4 more hours to waste, I'm bored.." One of the guys you didn't fully recognise said, throwing himself back into the bed where he sat.

"We can go to the mall! I didn't expect us to go to a bar so I didn't pack any of my good dresses" Sasha said, playing around with a loose strand of her hair.

And that's what you all did.. By the end your legs were already killing you from the constant walking and running around. The relief you felt when you finally found a bench was godlike, you slumped down, feeling all of the pressure leave your body.

"We ran through so many stores already, can we go back and get ready for the bar already?" Allan complained, slumping down next to you with a bunch of bags that he offered to carry for one of the girls. It was comical to look at.

"Fine Fine, we can. Lets go before were late"

Honestly you didn't really expect to be dragged to a bar but hey what can you do? Its the first time in a while that you've seen your friends so why wouldn't you go out to celebrate.


Tee hee my dad just downloaded the transformers movie off of some American movie website and Mirage is so babygirl, i need him

Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now