CH 30

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"Oh man this tasted so good." He said, stuffing his mouth full of food. "Glad you like it, they were leftovers from yesterday's dinner so I was a bit worried they'd taste stale and bland." You giggle at him, handing him a napkin to wipe some food that had dirtied his face.

Your phone started suddenly ringing, you took a peek to see it was your mom. "Hey moma, I'm at work, what do you need?" You say into the phone after picking up. "Hey honey, Your dad and I are gonna be gone for a bit longer than expected, some business partners of your dad invited us to dinner, do you mind checking up on (y/s) when you get home?" She said quickly as if in a rush.

"Yeah it's no big deal, Rem is home right now so she should be in good hands." You responded, she gave a relieved sigh before wishing you goodbye and hanging up.

"Awww!! You call your mom 'momma'!" He squealed like a child making you let out an airy laugh. "Yeah I do, speaking of aren't you and your mom going shopping today?" You question, seeing Troy's face turn pale as he rushes to clock out and leave. "I am! Thanks for reminding me, I'll bring you the food container back, I swear- Byee!!" He zoomed out the shop door.

"Idiot." You jokingly murmur under your breath before finishing up with your restocking of the shelves and go to the register to take Troy's place. "Excuse me- Do you know where I can find the ropes?" Someone say's, snapping you out of your daydream, it was a tall dude, dark brown hair, brown eyes and it seemed like he was shaking.

"Are you okay sir, you're shaking a bit-" Your sentence was cut off by him jerking his head violently to the side. "Oh- No no it's okay! I just have ticks!" He gives you a gummy smile, waving your worries off. "Ah, alright I'm so sorry if I seem rude, The rope is just down that aisle and take a left, it should be in that corner somewhere but if you're looking for a climbing rope they are a bit more down just before the mountain bike section.

"No you're fine, thank you, c'mon Sally '' He said to a little girl you just now noticed. As he walked down the aisle by your instructions you kept repeating her name in your head. "Sally.....sally.. Jeff said he knows a girl by that name. It'd be too much of a coincidence though." You shrugged it off, turning your attention to the customer that just arrived at the register.

After a couple of minutes the man with the little girl returns with the climbing rope and some other item that was packaged in one of those annoying plastic boxes.

As you're looking through the computer to find the cost of the rope an item flys by your face, scratching your cheek only slightly. "Oh my god, I'm so, so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to throw it at you!" The man said in an apologetic frenzy as Sally giggled at him.

"He sometimes throws things without meaning to, sorry mister." Her soft voice made you giggle and give a nod of understanding.

"Its alright, no one was hurt and its just a scratch, a day or two and its gone!" You wave it off, watching the man give a sigh of relief.

"These plastic packages are easier to cut yourself with than to open." You sigh at the annoying material as you scan it and tell them their total item cost.

"The amount of i juries we've had with these damned plastic things, my god i lost count." He replied, handing you the exact total and taking the two items.

"Well it was a nice chat, have a good day- wait! hold on just a second." You halt them quickly as you rush to the back and return with a lollipop. "Here!" You happily lean over the counter and hand the piece of candy to the little girl who quickly took it with excitement.

"Thank you!" She squealed and gave you a wave goodbye as the man and her left the store. Your shift ended fairly soon after that, you switched positions with another employee before waving them goodbye and heading to the pet store over the street to get some food for your new pet.

Your phone rang, you looked at it and noticed it was an unknown number. You quickly pay for the cat food and step outside to call them back. "Hello-?" Your greeting was quickly cut off by a familiar voice. "Where are the bandages, my stitches ripped." You heard Jeff sigh. "Wh- How did you get my number?!" You whisper-yelled into the phone, receiving a weird look from a lady that was passing you.

"Moving on.." He avoided your question, making you sigh as your phone received another message from your mom asking when you'll be home. "Okay, I'll be home soon, we don't have anymore i think you used it all the first time the stitches ripped so ill stop at the pharmacy to get some more." You heard him whisper an agreement with your statement before muttering small 'shit' that urged you to fasten your pace.

"I'll be home soon, you rest." You hung up, rushing to get some new bandages and extra painkillers. You scanned the shelves of the pharmacy, looking for the stronger bandage and some extra sowing equipment so he could fix himself up.

"Is this all?" The lady at the register said as you agreed with a nod. You were practically speed walking down the street, rushing back home because those mother-fuckers were incompetent to take care of (y/s) so you were cleaning up all of their mess and feeding them.

Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now