CH. 53.

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"m' Fine" You managed to blurt out through your thick globs of tears that just continued to fall and fall. "I'm so tired." You continued, leaning into him further.

You sobbed for hours after that, Jeff had barely managed to get you upstairs and into bed. Now you were just laying there with him, your eyes stung as your body couldn't physically shed any more tears.

Your sobs were not replaced with sharp inhales every few seconds as your body still shook with the shock of the night, you felt terrible for everything even though you deep inside knew there was nothing you could've ever done.

"Your mom texted you." Jeff whispered as you looked up at the bedside table to notice that your phone had, in fact, gone off with a slightly audible 'ding'. As you reached for the phone your eyes quickly scanned the message, your eyes burning even more due to the bright light the screen gave off.

"I'll reply in the morning.." You shakily rasped out, your voice dry and quiet from all of the sobbing.

He nodded as his arm rested on your head, soothingly twirling the strands of hair around, trying his best to bring you at least a little bit of comfort. "Do you need anything?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper, it's been a while since he's been this soft with someone.. It felt odd but it was worth it.

"No.. Just stay here, please, I can't be alone, not now." You whispered out, practically burying yourself into his side. Your hands had a death grip on his shirt as they clung onto the poor fabric as it basically crumpled up in your hold.

"Yeah.. Okay." He murmured back, you felt his hand awkwardly pat your back in a 'there, there' motion, honestly it made you feel kind of fuzzy knowing he was willing to break his own comfort zone and initiate physical contact just to comfort you but....

.....You also felt guilty because of it, knowing he probably wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for the fact you were a crying and sobbing mess just 40 minutes ago..

You felt your eyes finally close, the stinging getting to umberabe to keep them open anymore as you felt yourself slip into unconsciousness within seconds. 


tee hee hehe I just downloaded cod and im inlove w Konig sm, i love german people TEE EHHEEHEHHE HEEE HEEEAHHA

Jeff the killer x male!readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon